Statue of Maria Montessori
Statue of Maria Montessori
The Italian city of Perugia has a special connection to Maria Montessori and her pedagogy. It was here that she delivered one of her last teacher training courses, cherishing many hopes for a study centre in that location. The Montessori presence has remained strong ever since, with intensified gratitude for the legacy over the past years, which has culminated in the city organising a Montessori Day on the 14 September every year.
On this day in 2022, the city celebrated the unveiling of a statue of Maria Montessori on Piazza Maria Montessori, which was named for the pedagogue in October 2021 and designed by architect Matteo Ferroni. As part of Ferroni’s work on the project, he designed and built the first sculptural representation of Montessori in the world. The statue gazes out over the plaza, serving as a reminder to all who visit of Maria Montessori’s enduring influence.
The event was attended by many officials, and on behalf of AMI, President Philip D. O’Brien, Executive Director Lynne Lawrence and President-elect Alain Tschudin attended.