Publishing History
Maria Montessori published extensively throughout her life. Following is a complete list of books published by Maria Montessori during her lifetime.
Her many books enabled the Montessori method to be studied and applied throughout the world and throughout the years. Previously unpublished works continue to be translated, edited and published enriching this vast body of work.
1909 |
Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini (The Montessori Method) |
Città di Castello |
Tipografia Lapi |
1910 |
L’Antropologia Pedagogica (Pedagogical Anthropology) |
Milan |
Francesco Vallardi |
1914 |
Dr Montessori’s Own Handbook |
New York |
Frederick A Stokes |
1914 |
Dr Montessori’s Own Handbook |
London |
William Heinemann |
1916 |
L’autoeducazione nelle Scuole Elementari (The Advanced Montessori Method) |
Rome |
Maglioni e Strini |
1922 |
I bambini viventi nella Chiesa (The Child in the Church) |
Naples |
Morano |
1928 |
Das Kind in der Familie (The Child in the Family) |
Vienna |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Montessorischule |
1932 |
La Vita in Cristo (no English translation) |
Rome |
Tipografia Feyri |
1932 |
Ideas Generales Sobre Mi Método (no English translation) |
Madrid |
Revista de Pedagogía |
1932 |
The Mass Explained to Children |
London |
Sheed and Ward |
1934 |
Psico-Aritmética (no English translation) |
Barcelona |
Araluce |
1934 |
Psico-Geometría (no English translation) |
Barcelona |
Araluce |
1936 |
The Secret of Childhood |
London |
Longmans Green and Co |
1936 |
Les Etapes de L’Education (no English translation) |
Bruges, Belgium |
Desclée de Brouwer |
1939 |
God En het Kind (God and the Child) |
Amsterdam |
1939 |
The ‘Erdkinder’ and the Functions of the University: The Reform of Education During and After Adolescence |
Amsterdam |
1939 |
The ‘Erdkinder’ and the Functions of the University: The Reform of Education During and After Adolescence |
London |
Maria Montessori Training Organisation |
1941 |
The Child |
Adyar, Madras, India |
The Theosophical Society |
1942 |
Reconstruction in Education |
Adyar, Madras, India |
The Theosophical Society |
1946 |
Education for a New World |
Adyar, Madras, India |
Kalakshetra |
1948 |
De l’enfant á l’adolescent (From Childhood to Adolescence) |
Bruges, Belgium |
Desclée de Brouwer |
1948 |
The Discovery of the Child |
Adyar, Madras, India |
Kalakshetra |
1948 |
To Educate the Human Potential |
Adyar, Madras, India |
Kalakshetra |
1948 |
What You Should Know about Your Child |
Adyar, Madras, India |
Kalakshetra |
1948 |
Child Training (Later published as Child Education) |
Adyar, Madras, India |
Kalakshetra |
1949 |
Educazione e Pace (Education and Peace) |
Milan |
Garzanti |
1949 |
The Absorbent Mind |
Adyar, Madras, India |
The Theosophical Society |
1949 |
Formazione dell’uomo (The Formation of Man) |
Milan |
Garzanti |