The Silvana Montanaro Fund
The Silvana Montanaro Fund
In 2018 Dr Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, AMI Trainer and author, passed away.
Dr Montanaro was a pioneer in spreading globally the insights of Maria Montessori and her close collaborator Gianna Gobbi, enlivening this knowledge with her own deep psychological study of pregnancy and the first three years after birth. She was also instrumental in the revitalisation of AMI's 0-3 course and in training many of AMI's leading 0-3 trainers and practitioners. Her work embodied the vision and spirit of Maria Montessori and lives on in all the children and adults with whom she both directly and indirectly interacted.
In memory of Dr Montanaro and to support the growth of 0-3 teacher training, AMI has established the Silvana Montanaro Fund. All donations to the fund will be used to help reduce the cost of attending the Training of Trainers seminar programme, enabling more AMI 0-3 teachers to be trained, offering more children access to this foundational experience.
AMI has provided an initial donation in Dr Montanaro's honour and we encourage all who were touched by her work to contribute by clicking on the button below.