On This Day, 31 August 1940
On This Day, 31 August 1940
On 31 August 1940 Maria Montessori celebrated what would be the first of six birthdays spent in India.
The 1940 day was an exceptionally celebratory occasion, as she was able to spend it with her son Mario, released from a Prisoners of War Camp, just for this occasion. She had not seen him for a number of months and felt intensely lonely without his support and encouragement.
Maria Montessori reports on the joy of seeing him to her grandchildren – writing: “Your birthday wishes arrived late, as a kind of confirmation, because I felt your presence on my birthday. You will be happy to know that on that day the authorities here gave me a huge, unforgettable present! On the 30th a visitor arrived. (…) He spent the 31st with me, all day, leaving the next morning at 8.” Mario did return soon afterwards and together they became jointly responsible for delivering all the India courses during the period 1940–1946.
Learn more about Mario Montessori’s time in Kodaikanal, India in David Kahn’s interview with him in this article: