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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 40606
Sequence 1Dr. z7[, zVfontuddori bonoure? at Rom.e 26L Dr. M. &Iontessori. honoured at Rome. "11 Messagero" of… |
Sequence 1NZO0——-r0O—ZC==00 |
Sequence 2ASSOCIATION NONTESSORI INTERNATIONALE et Categry Menbor o WP andt o Unesco Okonson Eacon oo Amercans MEMBERS OF THE BOARD.… |
Sequence 3ASSOCIATION MONTESSORI INTERNATIONALE COMMUNICATIONS o5 conents: MaroM Montssson AssocatonMortascon rernaonaie MO… |
Sequence 5on Febnary 25 of s Jear AU Jos & doar . a sttt suppo o ccer s o was oreaty ahes, VoW, Morteteo, O Maro_Montesso… |
Sequence 6n 1982, 1o was appoited o AMI's Adisory Comiiies of which e was an actve. Momoes i . A 8 1oprogortaiv of AV, h paricpeios… |
Sequence 7n i aciess 1 he i orasson Sociely on the ocasion o s coebatos fr Aui's o utee, Marooiessa roeraed A aaon d oo T aress Sl… |
Sequence 8Botusan 1 two extroms her forcos had o b dedald o her folowors: s of i, 101115 e s, o had undersecd e mporance ofhe canrbuion… |
Sequence 9raining coirs, nctioningas co-ordnor ofhe whoenetwork of wcognzed organ Satons. s s founded & raming o Trainers… |
Sequence 10conue oseguar s ownches o parspectve and promete s uther devlopment g sk Snd rssarchconcorsahwih v Waressaran pracgm AN b6 e… |
Sequence 11(Gamito Grazzin i Co-Diecor o Traiing ofhe “nematonl Cono fo Moniessori Stcios Faundaion (Borgamo) an AMIcent hoking ahancod… |
Sequence 12i pre e conrorc o s ing an vt of o oyt I peychoanalyse awaye it i o kg i Moesson MOVEAn oty oty o Colurs o e Bocausa fis… |
Sequence 14Hakan baknctes bearingrospacvely he images o Maria Montesso and Gigheno Marcon and,betwean 50 e, an cxcorp faken rom Mara… |
Sequence 15Butwhat,abovo i, ouches MariaMortessor's har s amazig venton of rolos eegraony. he work of h s contamprey Mtcan 41 &… |
Sequence 16York and docs i har Sauth Brookin pier —th ond o vayage lstng hitsen days ndhe g o Moniessor s Amrean o “Tho Americantouris… |
Sequence 17From th ajacen LivorpoolFiversido Station, sh takos London and Norh Wostom Riiway s specl oy v, osaned for Cunad paseongers… |
Sequence 18oBimuARES SR swauy On June 220, . 5. Swamy passed away. Ho had bon actuey involed i Moniecsr I nda snce 1043, tlowing h… |
Sequence 19~RAGNHILD HOFF. Averylongsndncrodily hart working o hs ended.naal spring agohiGHof, e o o Scandnvian Norlesson Tranng, 663… |
Sequence 214 MATTERS ARISING OUT OF THESE MINUTES Thecs wer o mattrs rsingou of h previous mites. 5 REPORTS Socrotais “ThoChaiman was… |
Sequence 22Financialstate ofthe MM Fund for 1992 GursntAcoount NG 1392989 GopostAceoun NG 505675t (00 uris iy, 198%) Oontons received… |
Sequence 23Wk s bogan on ways o srngthn Sunmar Couses,and conued atn- o i g 10 mtaring 1 Sandard o courses i Goners Among auestons… |
Sequence 2410 e past couple o years n thr enthusiasm fo e on wah el i, ndvelals havs pproached Traring Conres about making e own Ve… |
Sequence 258 9 work h has don onh Comties over tha ast years. MMy Hayos as baan appoiniod as 1o new mambor and th Commiis s conient hat… |
Sequence 26here wa b a conorance i San Franciscoon ths subec Affiited Socities and Horma of intres rom other Moriessori sources (rsports… |
Sequence 279. ANY OTHER BUSINESS No toms ha been submitid 1 the Chiman nadvance. Thae wor,howeve, some cuncoment 15 o e AMUUSA was… |
Sequence 28FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 1992 TREASURER'S REPORT 11ave ihe hnous 1 presen 1 you e B Sheetof our Assacison as s e 1st… |
Sequence 29cumeTASSETS = o s2009 - f— T - uasumes EonpnonesenEs e s jr-c— W o TEEe e p——— 219 P o - o : =5 - - o… |
Sequence 30AMUUSA REPORT AMUUSA s plaase o subro i oot th 1953 Anual Moot o ne ssociaon Montescon mormaiansio on Ab 17,1953 s Arstardam… |
Sequence 31Consultaton Talning Course 1 noa 10 ncease thonumbor ofvaned conlars who ae I bl servce 10 ut e, and roo organized &… |
Sequence 325 princol of Greenid Wenlessor School. which s & pat of e Miaukes Pubic ‘oo Syst, Steve s econty appcinid an Admeisfae… |
Sequence 33Educatonsl rogrammes AAIUSA coninued ek partership wth o AMI aftes i h U S wih th spon- Saig fin sl CoiGronces A wONODS TS… |
Sequence 34oTHER REPORTS (T or ot st e st canaoA FOUNDATION FOR MONTESSORI EDUCATION On 1 whcl, th Foundaon has caried on s cly… |
Sequence 35FRancE ASSOCIATION MONTESSORI DE FRANCE (Afilafed) “Th foowing s et annuleport concering h Assoiation Morsssor o France'… |
Sequence 36probiems i theccucatona yster wi contnus 0 grow in magntd andcu chidron it recove th respec nd o iy 8y dosovs. Even g e iy,… |
Sequence 37~ Das kroaths Kind - dor asorserndo Geisi T Avscrbet i, 91 oin, i Nt e Sewacnen [T Pawe of s Waskl ced b roiesor O . ‘ez… |
Sequence 38Proschoot Playoroups, and Moniesor n he parsen o Lyne Lawrence, MILT.O. Diecorof Trang o Gve 1 Moriescor viowpont n nswas o 5… |
Sequence 39INOIAN MONTESSORI CENTRE Tho members wera nsiumoréal incroaizng e craduaton coramony o he 56 Indan Hrtossor Traing Cours, on… |
Sequence 40phioscphy. a Core Group had boen formed. Swingng no acton, he Coo-Group do- Soadioavs worshops,sominas Schco vt o A po e… |
Sequence 41W s have forgroups o stdents: 34 st your, 26 socondyear, 14 n ey, 1 kg o slenontany ourso and 10 on-yeas st G o 5.6 Gploma e… |
Sequence 42on and Poace: Maria Mordesso an Human Sokdarty n T and Space”was held ‘O Noverbor 26 an 270 T thrs Sy Conoronc, Lically.… |
Sequence 43Thiscourso waandin Jun, 1963 ande. st Paimior s thoDockrof Traning Maradel Plr Gomaz de Ut PAKISTAN PAKISTAN MONTESSORI… |
Sequence 44-3 shot workshop on “Emionens Ecucation n Monessol Schoos”. gven by WSe s Ornan - paricioasonin smiaron"… |
Sequence 45accompieisao o chalenge o prolcting th auhantiy of O Monissor s deals. s, Tha wi VoW much et wok and much ora money A roa… |
Sequence 46‘Some ofcur past rtessorian b us i various ways b e e bulng. Tris kg N o capaci 1o o ot caseooms. whors wo S o casass boh I… |
Sequence 47Parsons, Extoal Examiner and Ms Bt e Oblsson, natonal oxaminer, o our Ora Exam n Uppaala. A examined stont rocood o gy Sosorod… |
Sequence 48our v prsident whossarthusiasm and decion o the Norssor ovemen gave iy e vt D 1 Corve. Sh s Oy i anctnd bysiotus 10 hese… |
Sequence 49Board Tho commitos et s tmes. Wo had contaciswih e French branch i Swizorare, Wi o Doutschs Mortssor Verongung .. Sz Aachan… |
Sequence 50Monsseri Instute of Miwaukee n. Tha Montesor nstiu of Mivaukes was leasad o havo 15 studerts evoled i the 19912 almontay… |
Sequence 51AMI ELEMENTARY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (Atstec) ‘Grotings o th participansof o Annual AMI Genoral meoing EAA hld s sl… |
Sequence 52Now NAMTA Video e Wid i (Tt s feonaizedtm aboutHar) Starting rom th Yoar Zao (e Japanase ideo dovoted o iiant and 1 com… |
Sequence 53"UNIGEE at e present ime. W Boutos-Ghal s recety stte: “New possites vt o shred. cologated and e coributons 1 e wosd… |
Sequence 54REMNOER W o et e ll our morars who havs ot yotpad e merershi e or 1533 0 6o 5 before Novermer 18 e woukd ot i 1 108 Your… |
Sequence 55e T cicives of s Assoosionr o i popsqi rdthr o e and e B i s e o v o e S T st st s e ciochves ks n Al by o il e &… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 2misleading if it leads someone to believe that cosmic education also applies, or can apply, to other planes of development-… |
Sequence 3COSMIC EDUCATION IN THE FORM OF A CONCRETE IMAGE I think that everyone, during the course of their lives, has experienced at… |
Sequence 4• "God Who Has No Hands"-the story of the creation of the universe, etc., and, therefore, the greatest… |
Sequence 5For language: a large chart for the story of "The Ox and the House," the material in relation to the grammar… |
Sequence 6materials and equipment which are, or ought to be, found in any Montessori elementary environment. Each group representative… |
Sequence 7istry or physics, and you cannot study life without its environ- ment, which brings us to geography. But then again, you… |
Sequence 8For the second quote, we find: "The child's intelligence ... a fertile field in which seeds may be sown"… |
Sequence 9With the addition of Dr. Montessori's words, the room was complete-transformed into a model of an all-embracing environ… |
Sequence 10self-evident and emotionally satisfying, and the child is never left wondering, uwhat is the point of all this?" We… |
Sequence 11touched, the exploration is also an emotional one, and there arises that strong sentiment to God and Man. When these young… |
Sequence 12is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts; and, finally, where specialization of… |
Sequence 13This cosmic fable begins something like this: I know of a marvelous nation, a marvelous country where the inhabitants are… |
Sequence 14Chart 2 THE GREAT RIUER Of course the chart of "The Great River" is only an impres- sionistic aid and is… |
Sequence 1511 IN MY SERVICE Is PERFECT FREEDOM!" Some advanced Montessori training courses do not include the sixth great story… |
Sequence 16the Italian fascist experience was well and truly finished, and fascism had been definitively defeated five years earlier. In… |
Sequence 17answers or ideological solutions to the problems facing humanity. Furthermore, on the personal level, Montessori had no reason… |
Sequence 18Each individual, each one of us, has a body made up of billions of cells (50 thousand billion, to be ex- act) and, from the… |
Sequence 19The first is like a river which carries substances to all parts of the body. But it acts also as a collector. In fact, the… |
Sequence 20beings, the exploration of this aspect of human society, we usually identify as economic geography in our courses. Montessori… |
Sequence 21In this lecture, Montessori explores at great length her idea of the "union among the peoples," "… |
Sequence 22... all those achievements ... which have benefited humanity, are due to the work of men who often struggled in obscurity and… |
Sequence 23profound existence of these bonds of interdependence and social solidarity between the peoples of the whole world."… |
Sequence 24of human interdependence and the building of human solidarity: This is cosmic education. And in all of this, "The… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 2misleading if it leads someone to believe that cosmic education also applies, or can apply, to other planes of development-… |
Sequence 3COSMIC EDUCATION IN THE FORM OF A CONCRETE IMAGE I think that everyone, during the course of their lives, has experienced at… |
Sequence 4• "God Who Has No Hands"-the story of the creation of the universe, etc., and, therefore, the greatest… |
Sequence 5For language: a large chart for the story of "The Ox and the House," the material in relation to the grammar… |
Sequence 6materials and equipment which are, or ought to be, found in any Montessori elementary environment. Each group representative… |
Sequence 7istry or physics, and you cannot study life without its environ- ment, which brings us to geography. But then again, you… |
Sequence 8For the second quote, we find: "The child's intelligence ... a fertile field in which seeds may be sown"… |
Sequence 9With the addition of Dr. Montessori's words, the room was complete-transformed into a model of an all-embracing environ… |
Sequence 10self-evident and emotionally satisfying, and the child is never left wondering, uwhat is the point of all this?" We… |
Sequence 11touched, the exploration is also an emotional one, and there arises that strong sentiment to God and Man. When these young… |
Sequence 12is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts; and, finally, where specialization of… |
Sequence 13This cosmic fable begins something like this: I know of a marvelous nation, a marvelous country where the inhabitants are… |
Sequence 14Chart 2 THE GREAT RIUER Of course the chart of "The Great River" is only an impres- sionistic aid and is… |
Sequence 1511 IN MY SERVICE Is PERFECT FREEDOM!" Some advanced Montessori training courses do not include the sixth great story… |
Sequence 16the Italian fascist experience was well and truly finished, and fascism had been definitively defeated five years earlier. In… |
Sequence 17answers or ideological solutions to the problems facing humanity. Furthermore, on the personal level, Montessori had no reason… |
Sequence 18Each individual, each one of us, has a body made up of billions of cells (50 thousand billion, to be ex- act) and, from the… |
Sequence 19The first is like a river which carries substances to all parts of the body. But it acts also as a collector. In fact, the… |
Sequence 20beings, the exploration of this aspect of human society, we usually identify as economic geography in our courses. Montessori… |
Sequence 21In this lecture, Montessori explores at great length her idea of the "union among the peoples," "… |
Sequence 22... all those achievements ... which have benefited humanity, are due to the work of men who often struggled in obscurity and… |