On This Day, 31 August 1915
On This Day, 31 August 1915
Today the Montessori community celebrates Maria Montessori's birthday! On 31 August 1915, on her 45th birthday, Maria Montessori was working in America, addressing her students in a graduation speech as they were about to receive their diplomas from the training course. She shared the following thoughts with that cohort:
I feel that the course has ended to start something definite for the good of this work. You must work with great courage, without timidity. You may be sure that this piece of paper that I will give you will be your card of introduction as you go out from the symbol of this country, with this card may you enter the real state.
On this important day AMI would like to congratulate everyone and wish all those who are to start their new academic year as much satisfaction and a sense of reward and growth. We are grateful that the Montessori community is continuing this mission with unequalled energy and passion.