News A Voice for Children Maria Montessori spoke out against child labour. The International Labour Organisation draws our attention to the fact that social protection is both a human right and a potent policy tool to prevent families from resorting to child labour in times of crisis. H...
News On This Day, 8 December 1913 106 years ago, Maria Montessori travelled to America for the first time for a brief lecture tour and visits with influential educational groups. On 8 December 1913 she spoke to a capacity filled Carnegie Hall on her method of education and created quite a sens...
News International Day of Peace, 2021 On 21 September, we mark forty years of the International Day of Peace. This day was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly and has been designated as a day of non-violence and cease-fire. This year’s theme is “recovering better for an equi...
News On This Day, 21 June 1927 On this day 93 years ago, Buckingham Palace, London, 21 June 1927, King George and Queen Mary held a reception to which Maria Montessori had been invited. A few days later she writes about the event with excitement to her friends Giuliana Sorge and Eda Margona...
News On This Day, 31 August 1915 Today the Montessori community celebrates Maria Montessori's birthday! On 31 August 1915, on her 45th birthday, Maria Montessori was working in America, addressing her students in a graduation speech as they were about to receive their diplomas from the traini...
News Book Release: The Montessori Approach to Music One of the (many) brilliant aspects of Montessori education is that it includes an integrated approach to Music. We are delighted to announce the publication of the title “Montessori Approach to Music” with key contributions from Maria Montessori, Mario M. Mon...
News The Story Behind the Photo On 31 August the Montessori community celebrates Maria Montessori’s birthday, the one to conclude the 150th anniversary year. By far the most emotional birthday gift ever for Maria Montessori may well have been Mario’s presence on her 1940 birthday, during her ...
News Montessori Tulip Bulbs and Book It's time for the new harvest of the Maria Montessori Tulip. Forgot to order last year? Be quick to secure a box from this year's bulbs. The Maria Montessori tulip was created to honour her on her 150th birthday. Growing to around 40 cm., this tulip produces a...
News National Geographic Historical Special The new National Geographic Historical Special is dedicated to the great women in history. We are delighted to share with you the picture of the issue devoted to Maria Montessori made in the heart of Rome. A woman who opened a path in the male world and promo...
News Special Coin: Maria Montessori 150 The Italians know how to design beautiful objects, and they also know how to celebrate Maria Montessori’s 150th birthday! This 2 Euro coin was officially presented on 15 January 2020. Designed by Luciana De Simoni, it was minted in the mint of Rome. Last year ...