Digital Object Via Giusti, 1908, Outdoor Lunch The Franciscan sisters created a classroom at the convent on Via Giusti in Rome for the 60 children found in the ruins after the 1908 Messina earthquake. The remarkable results amongst these traumatised children drew even more interest. This photograph shows…
Digital Object Maria Montessori, 1909, Messina Orphan This class was created by the Franciscan sisters at the convent on Via Giusti in Rome for the 60 children found in the ruins after the 1908 Messina earthquake. The remarkable results amongst these traumatised children drew even more interest. Image…
Digital Object Maria Montessori, 1896, Medical Diploma Doctor's diploma in Medicine and Surgery awarded to Maria Montessori on July 10, 1896 by the Royal University of Rome.
Digital Object Communications, 2003 2-3, Focus on Important Events of 1923 Continuing with the theme started in the first issue of Communications 2003, we make a ten-year leap in the history of Maria Montessori's work and life, from 1913 to 1923. Montessori spent 1923 in Europe.
Digital Object Maria Montessori Cover Time Magazine 1930 The 1930's cover can be found here: Read related article:,33009,738569,00.html
Digital Object Maria Montessori Cover Time Magazine 2020 The 2020's cover can be found here: Read related article:
Digital Object Cartoon of Maria Montessori Speaking at Carnegie Hall Cartoon of Maria Montessori Speaking at Carnegie Hall, 8 December 1913. The cartoon from Seeing New York with Fornaro (the cartoonist) features a sign "America welcomes Dr. Montessori" and includes the figures of S. S. McClure and Anne E. George as well as Dr…
Digital Object National Geographic Storica Cover, Maria Montessori National Geographic Storica Cover featuring Maria Montessori from 26 November 2019.