Digital Object Philip & Tacey Catalogue Montessori Material Advanced Philip & Tacey illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Montessori Didactic Material, Advanced Series, Fourteenth Edition
Digital Object Readers Digest Montessori Article 1965 Dutch In 1965 Mario Montessori granted an interview to The Reader’s Digest, sharing some memories of his exceptional mother: Maria Montessori. The article "My Most Unforgettable Character" by Mario Montessori was first published in the American edition of this…
Digital Object Readers Digest Montessori Article 1965 Danish In 1965 Mario Montessori granted an interview to The Reader’s Digest, sharing some memories of his exceptional mother: Maria Montessori. The article "My Most Unforgettable Character" by Mario Montessori was first published in the American edition of this…
Digital Object Readers Digest Montessori Article 1965 French In 1965 Mario Montessori granted an interview to The Reader’s Digest, sharing some memories of his exceptional mother: Maria Montessori. The article "My Most Unforgettable Character" by Mario Montessori was first published in the American edition of this…
Digital Object Readers Digest Montessori Article 1965 Finnish In 1965 Mario Montessori granted an interview to The Reader’s Digest, sharing some memories of his exceptional mother: Maria Montessori. The article "My Most Unforgettable Character" by Mario Montessori was first published in the American edition of this…
Digital Object Readers Digest Montessori Article 1965 Italian In 1965 Mario Montessori granted an interview to The Reader’s Digest, sharing some memories of his exceptional mother: Maria Montessori. The article "My Most Unforgettable Character" by Mario Montessori was first published in the American edition of this…
Digital Object Readers Digest Montessori Article 1965 German In 1965 Mario Montessori granted an interview to The Reader’s Digest, sharing some memories of his exceptional mother: Maria Montessori. The article "My Most Unforgettable Character" by Mario Montessori was first published in the American edition of this…
Digital Object Montessori Commemorative Coin, 2020, Italy, 2 Euro Montessori Commemorative Coin, 2020, Italy, 2 Euro.
Digital Object Brooch of the Child on the Sea of Life Silver brooch with enamel, kept in a glass display cabinet in Maria Montessori's study.
Digital Object Carnegie Hall Program, 8 December 1913 Carnegie Hall Program advertising a lecture by Maria Montessori entitled The Montessori Method of Education on 8 December 1913.