Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 05 Exercises of Practical Life: 3 to 6 Compared to 6 to 12. Kodaikanal Advanced Course, India, 1943-44,… This simple, first-published article by Mario Montessori was written in Kodaikanal, India, and reveals a great Montessori truth that has never been so explicit: There are developmental stages for practical life that cross over into nature study and living…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 04 Bonding with the Natural World: The Roots of Environmental Awareness With delicate literary style and allusions, Louise Chawla combines her ecological research and Montessori background to portray the unfolding of childhood in natural places. Starting with "enchantment with the world" as the basis for nature education for the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 03 The Children's House Lili Peller's "The Children's House" essay begins where Maria Montessori left off in her description of space articulations. Peller does not name Montessori specifically as she always had a desire to become independent in her own right as a neo-Freudian child…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 02 Nature in Education This piece of writing addresses the "boundless" garden created through the web of foresight and patience combined with the spontaneous activity necessary for growing food and harvesting the bounty. Most will be familiar with this unique writing by Montessori…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 01 The House of Children. Lecture, Kodaikanal, 1944 This article vividly describes the indoor and outdoor components of what Montessori calls Home Sweet Home. Her vision of a domestic Children's House contains many facets: rooms of varied space, beautiful flooring, gardens that educate and evoke collaboration,…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 37/2 05 A Person of His Time and Place: Montessori Perspectives on a Geography and History