Digital Object NAMTA Journal 27/1 01 Child Development Under Three: The Foundations of the Personality, the Family, and the Montessori Method Characterizes the Montessori work serving the first 3 years by recounting its genesis; describes early Montessori toddler programs, and the emergence of infant communities internationally in the early 1970s. Highlights ways parents can be supportive of the …
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 35 Hershey Montessori Farm School: Place Based High School Biology Describes how the Hershey Montessori Farm School in Huntsburg, Ohio, developed an advanced biology course, which begins with an experience-based, task-oriented approach within different biomes of the surrounding environs while incorporating high school…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 36 The Development of a Montessori High School as an Extension of the Farm School Provides preliminary draft of proposal to kindle thought about what a Montessori secondary school could look like. Suggests ways to think about integrating a farm model and its extensions to adolescent students. Emphasizes the universality of work, the nature…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 33 Adolescent Engagement and Alienation Delineates the mismatch between adolescent needs and school contexts, pointing out necessity for more hand-and- head work for better integration of abstract and concrete processes, sensory richness, and a variety of engagement opportunities. Suggests that…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 34 Towards a Positive Education for Adolescents: An Example from the Humanities Offers specific rules for using humanities studies in Montessori schools to guide personality formation and social interest during adolescence, focusing on biography. Presents biography as a portrayal of mind connected with action, the success of individual…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 32 Geometry and Erdkinder Chronicles a teacher's first year teaching geometry at the Hershey Montessori Farm School in Huntsburg, Ohio. Instructional methods relied on Euclid primary readings and combined pure abstract logic with practical applications of geometry on the land. The…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 30 Occupations and the Farm Describes "occupation" as a Montessori term, which the Hershey Montessori Farm School, in Huntsburg, Ohio, has adopted for any task arising from the needs of the farm that then generates a scientific or historic study. Includes lists of occupations pursued…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 31 The Prepared Environment Uses Havighurst's 11 developmental tasks for normal adolescence as a basis for a discussion of the prepared environment for the adolescent; tasks include adjusting to a new physical self and intellectual abilities, establishing adult vocational goals, and…