News On This Day, 6 May 1952 Today we remember the day that Maria Montessori died: 6 May 1952. The seeds she had sown have grown into a vibrant legacy, so touchingly worded by her son Mario only a few weeks after her death. The great consolation to me has been the (…) unanimous feeling ...
News The Birthday of Maria Montessori Today we celebrate another wonderful Maria Montessori birthday. The photograph shows her surrounded by what comes close to a proper “flower shop” full of bouquets – the year is 1938, she has turned 68 and the place is Laren, where she is pictured seated on the...
News Historical Photo: Students Visit Pierson Home, 1939 A group of students from the London 1939 course visited the Pierson home ‘Intimis’ in Baarn, The Netherlands, 1939. This home provided a haven to Maria Montessori in the late 1930's as noted in the dedication of The Secret of Childhood. It is to Mr and Mrs All...
News Interview: Michele Dal Trozzo (Gonzagarredi Montessori) Interview with Michele Dal Trozzo from Gonzagarredi Montessori and Cristina Venturi from Università di Bologna on the long history of Montessori and Gonzaga (Italian).
News On This Day, 31 October 1936 In the early autumn of 1936 Maria Montessori relocated to the Netherlands at the invitation of a former graduate, Ada Pierson. This impactful decision was forced by the Civil War that raged in Spain, a country that had been her main residence for close to twen...
News On This Day, 4 November 1939 On this day 83 years ago (4 November 1939) Maria Montessori and Mario Montessori arrived at Adyar, India, having flown from Naples to Madras, where they had been received at the world headquarters of the Theosophical Society. Their coming to Adyar was a colour...
News On This Day, 6 January 1907 6 January 1907: The first Montessori Casa dei Bambini opens in San Lorenzo, Rome, on the feast of Epiphany when traditionally La Befana brings presents to the Children. The Casa: the best gift to children ever. Montessori wrote about this first Casa: What happ...
News Montessori eBooks Now Available Great news: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company is turning its books into Amazon Kindle E-Books! The Absorbent Mind (The Montessori Series Book 1) Kindle Edition The present volume is based on lectures given by Dr. Maria Montessori at Ahmedabad, during the fir...
News Mario Montessori “My Most Unforgettable Character” In 1965 Mario Montessori granted an interview to The Reader’s Digest, sharing some memories of his exceptional mother: Maria Montessori. First published in the American edition of this magazine, it soon found its way to some of the global editions of The Reade...
News International Day of Peace Today, 21 September, the International Day of Peace is observed around the world. This day was established by the United Nations in 1981. Education for Peace is a recurring theme in Montessori’s pedagogy: Maria Montessori often spoke passionately on this subje...