Digital Object NAMTA Journal 43/3 09 History: Human Solidarity: Man Whither Bound "To Educate the Human Potential" by Maria Montessori, first released in 1948, conveyed the Montessori theme of human solidarity as a unifying force for human history and integrated the sciences of geography, chemistry, biology, and physics. The concluding…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 43/3 07 The Anthropocene: Threshold 8 "In the twentieth century, we humans began to transform our surroundings, our societies, and even ourselves. Without really intending to, we have introduced changes so rapid and so massive that our species has become the equivalent of a new geological force…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 43/3 08 Living by Gaia The 2018 Cleveland conference screened a documentary film titled "Symbiotic Earth: How Lynn Margulis Rocked the Boat and Started a Scientific Revolution." NAMTA conference participants enjoyed this memorable premier event in honor of Lynn Margulis, her…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 43/3 05 Of Natural Science, Women's History, and Montessori's Theory of Knowledge Kathleen Allen's reverence for the stories of women naturalists spanning from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries, and their parallel scientific interest in the documentation of life cycles through art and narratives, gives support to the child in…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 43/3 03 The (Missing) Politics in Environmental and Sustainability Education David Orr suggests that environmentalist and peace educators must teach civics, law, government, and political history to deeply cultivate an understanding of the influences and policies that create and perpetuate environmental destruction and humanitarian…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 43/3 04 Maria Montessori's Cosmic Stories and Contemporary Science Gerard Leonard uncovers the living organic vision of Montessori scientific thought principles to ponder for our generation of Montessori: "To be ecoliterate is to understand the basic principles of ecology and to endeavor to live by them. Having a systems…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 43/3 02 Place-Based Education and Citizen Science: Resources for Learning beyond the Classroom This fully documented article about place-based education and citizen science offers annotated sources that can be used for Montessori programs at all levels and in all settings for site selection and curriculum connections. This compilation of resources can…
Digital Object Delegates New Education Fellowship Congress, 1929 Photograph of the delegates of the Fifth Conference of the New Education Fellowship.