Digital Object Maria Montessori 1931 Arriving Berlin Photograph of Maria Montessori arriving in 1931 in Berlin, Germany by train with a group of young children bearing welcome flags.
Digital Object Maria Montessori with Girl Photograph of Maria Montessori wearing large hat embracing a young girl.
Digital Object Montessori Course, 1939, Adyar, Group Photo Group Photo of the 1939 Montessori Course in Adyar, Chennai, India.
Digital Object Maria and Mario Montessori, 1940, Madras Photograph of Maria and Mario Montessori, 1940, Madras, with George and Rukmini Arundale.
Digital Object Maria and Mario Montessori, Mid 1930s, London Photograph of Maria and Mario Montessori, Mid 1930s, London
Digital Object Allard Pierson Ex Libris 1934 Ex Libris (bookplate) designed for Allard Pierson on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday. Allard Pierson opened his home Intimis ("for our friends") to Maria Montessori in 1936, enabling her to write The Secret of Childhood.
Digital Object Cosmic Education at the Elementary Level and the Role of the Materials An article by Camillo Grazzini in The NAMTA Journal, Volume 22, Number 1, Pathways to Maturity: Fullfilling the Montessori Vision, pages 40 to 63. The first section of Mr Grazzini's article defines Cosmic Education with a brief retrospective of Mario…
Digital Object Call of Education, Maria Montessori Honoured at Rome In 1924 Maria Montessori's great friend, Maria Maraini, organised a reception for her in Rome to celebrate the recent honorary doctorate from Durham.
Digital Object Portrait of John Wight Duff Portrait of John Wight Duff, MA, DLitt painted by Allan Douglass Mainds (1881–1945) for the Newcastle University.