Page About AMI Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) is the world leading authority on Montessori education and research. Founded in 1929 by the pioneering scientist and educator, Maria Montessori, AMI applies Montessori principles across its global education and human...
Page Videos Enjoy archival footage of Maria Montessori along with contemporary videos that shed light on the innovation and lasting impact of Montessori's work.
Page Home The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) was founded by Maria Montessori in 1929 in order to continue her work and ensure the Montessori approach remained relevant for future generations. To this end, the AMI Montessori Archives has been established to ...
Page Digital Repository Policy The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) will preserve, secure and provide open access to digital data to ensure that the legacy and life’s work of Maria Montessori will be made available to the world in perpetuity.
Page File Naming Conventions The AMI Montessori Archives observes the following conventions for file naming. Use a consistent file naming convention. Document the file naming convention. File names must be unique. File names should be short but descriptive (less than 25 characters) (Briney, 2...
Page Dashboard This dashboard includes links to your user account, profile, submissions, products or services accessed via this website.
Page Timeline of Maria Montessori's Life 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 31 in Chiaravalle, Ancona province, Italy. Attends a boys’ school in Rome, with a science/engineering emphasis. 1890 Against opposition from her father, she pursues her wish to become a doctor. 1896 Becomes one of the first women...
Page Privacy Policy AMI's Privacy Policy provides information about how AMI collects and uses personal data about individuals in compliance with the GDPR.
Page Special Collections The AMI Montessori Archives will feature many special collections including the entire collection of the AMI Journal and The NAMTA Journal.