Digital Object NAMTA Journal 41/1 06 The Hungry Mind: From the Casa dei Bambini to Cosmic Education Baiba Krumins Grazzini has generously transformed her lecture, delivered at the AMI-USA Refresher Course in 2014, into a legacy article. This article establishes the role of storytelling in Cosmic Education while capturing both the whole and the detailed…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 41/1 05 Helping the Child in the Conquest of the Written Language A. M. Joosten writes from his deep and long classroom experience of the many activities to use with the movable alphabet for solidifying language skills. He is always sensitive to situations where a child may have come late to the House of Children and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 41/1 04 19th International Montessori Training Course, London Lecture 29 17 November 1933 Followers of Maria Montessori become accustomed to the oft-repeated stories that drive home a point, but here is a new treasure. This lecture tells of an experiment that Montessori began with 12- to 14-year-old children and then with 10-year-olds. When the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 41/1 03 Wondering Aloud Presenting the Montessori tools of the Great Lessons highlights the power of storytelling in teaching. Carla Foster suggests that children should be aware of how their learning increases as wonder points them to the mystery of the unknown. Engaging in the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 41/1 02 Building Spoken Language in the First Plane Through a strong Montessori orientation to the parameters of spoken language, Joen Bettmann makes the case for "materializing" spoken knowledge using the stimulation of real objects and real situations that promote mature discussion around the sensorial…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 41/1 01 Chapter Three: A Child's Tale Maryanne Wolf's early literacy knowledge is based on her research into deep reading and on periods of enlightened linguistic processes. In her own rich language of conveyance, she brought great inspiration to the Montessori teachers at the Columbia, South…