Digital Object Maria Montessori Cover Time Magazine 1930 The 1930's cover can be found here: Read related article:,33009,738569,00.html
Digital Object Maria Montessori Cover Time Magazine 2020 The 2020's cover can be found here: Read related article:
Digital Object Cartoon of Maria Montessori Speaking at Carnegie Hall Cartoon of Maria Montessori Speaking at Carnegie Hall, 8 December 1913. The cartoon from Seeing New York with Fornaro (the cartoonist) features a sign "America welcomes Dr. Montessori" and includes the figures of S. S. McClure and Anne E. George as well as Dr…
Digital Object Maria Montessori 1930s Children Maria Montessori in the 1930s outside holding a bunch of flowers with a group of children.
Digital Collection Photographs Maria Montessori's Birthday Collection of photographs taken on the occasion of Maria Montessori's birthday.
Digital Object Illustration of Castle Edinburgh Illustration by Robert Scott Irvine, Scottish watercolour painter, of The Castle Edinburgh, floodlit in honour of Maria Montessori's visit in August 1938.
Digital Object Portrait of Maria Montessori, 1923, Durham Portrait of Maria Montessori, 1923, Durham on the conferring of her honorary doctorate.
Digital Object Maria Montessori, 1915, San Francisco with Adelia Pyle Maria Montessori delivering a lecture in California at the Panama Pacific International Exposition. To the right is Adelia Pyle, Maria Montessori's translator.
Digital Object Treasure Article 2018 AMI Journal, Archival Treasure Publication 2018 featuring two lectures from the International Course in London, United Kingdom on 4 and 8 May 1939 by Maria Montessori entitled Some Observations on Money.