Digital Object Treasure Article 2021 AMI Journal, Archival Treasure Publication 2021 entitled Some Observations on the Montessori Movement by Maria Montessori. Observations from one of Maria Montessori's Indian Lectures delivered on 30 January 1942.
Digital Object Communications, 1993 2-3 Communications, 1993 2-3. Includes announcement of the death of Mario M. Montessori.
Digital Object Cosmic Education at the Elementary Level and the Role of the Materials An article by Camillo Grazzini in The NAMTA Journal, Volume 22, Number 1, Pathways to Maturity: Fullfilling the Montessori Vision, pages 40 to 63. The first section of Mr Grazzini's article defines Cosmic Education with a brief retrospective of Mario…
Digital Object Call of Education, Maria Montessori Honoured at Rome In 1924 Maria Montessori's great friend, Maria Maraini, organised a reception for her in Rome to celebrate the recent honorary doctorate from Durham.
Digital Object Treasure Article 2016 Culture as a Means of Development in the Formative Periods, Fourth Lecture at the Montessori Congress, Edinburgh, 1938
Digital Object Treasure Article 2023 In this article Maria Montessori outlines the developmental path to achieving peace. Her concept of peace isn’t simply the absence of chaos, hostilities, or violence. Peace, in her perspective, is far removed from a ceasefire negotiated by warring factions,…
Digital Object Treasure Article 2023 Italian Essendo molto curiosi, i membri del team si sono immersi in questa conferenza nella speranza di trovare un nuovo punto di vista e nuove perle di saggezza; non sono rimasti delusi. Datato metà anni 20, questo è un articolo particolarmente accattivante e…
Digital Object Treasure Article 2019 AMI Journal, Archival Treasure Publication 2019 featuring the Closing Lecture from the International Course in Nice, France on 14 September 1934 by Maria Montessori entitled "Les Deux Justices" or "Two Kinds of Justice".
Digital Object Treasure Article 2022 AMI Journal, Archival Treasure Publication 2022 featuring Lecture 1 of the Advanced Course Kodaikanal on 1 November 1943 by Maria Montessori entitled Some Thoughts on the Importance of Presenting the Universe to Six to Twelve Year-Old Children.
Digital Object Treasure Article 2015 AMI Journal, Archival Treasure Publication 2015 from an introduction to a publication advocating "mechanical aids" in education in India (circa 1947) by Maria Montessori entitled Some Observations on Technology.