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Displaying results 1 - 29 of 29
Sequence 1AN INTERvIEwWTIH TuoMAS BERRY In an interview with Gerry Leonard in November 1990, Thomas Berry discussed his views about the… |
Sequence 4customs of indigenous cultures is important at all levels, but especially for Montessori education, where showing respect for… |
Sequence 2BECOMING AN ADULT: p ATHWAYS TO MATURITY by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Dr. Csiksze11t111i1Iayli begins with Mo11tessori's… |
Sequence 1The ObservaTiOn scienTisT by Molly O’Shaughnessy Once the reasons for habitual observation in the classroom have been es-… |
Sequence 1The rOad hOMe by Molly O’Shaughnessy “Children have the potential to create a world we cannot imagine. This is our hope.” In… |
Sequence 1ObservaTiOn by Shannon Helfrich Helfrich addresses two perspectives from which to think about observation in the classroom:… |
Sequence 1Montessori: Now More Than Ever Like everything in the universe, the human child is created in accordance with the ordered… |
Sequence 36AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 133 Montessori: Now More Than Ever Like everything in the universe, the human child is created… |
Sequence 42AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 127 The Totality of Montessori introduction I have been asked today to begin this conference… |
Sequence 37AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 133 Montessori: Now More Than Ever Like everything in the universe, the human child is created… |
Sequence 43AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 127 The Totality of Montessori introduction I have been asked today to begin this conference… |
Sequence 30AN INTERvIEwWTIH TuoMAS BERRY In an interview with Gerry Leonard in November 1990, Thomas Berry discussed his views about the… |
Sequence 243a junior elementary classroom edu- cator for September 2001. This new class will be composed of level 1 children only and be… |
Sequence 289time basis, for its growing commu- nity of 65 students. Des4valleeshas 3 beautifully prepared environments serving children… |
Sequence 64cents and AMI Montessori training preferred. Please contact jmaughan China Eton International School… |
Sequence 258join a dynamic, caring schoolfamily of infants to adolescents. E-mail: Or phone: 604-574-5399… |
Sequence 350NAMTA NEWS NAMTA's CoNTR1euno To THE CENTENARY YEAR With its touring exhibit, A Montessori Journey: 1907-2007, NAMTA… |
Sequence 373including band and choral. Experi- ence in drama is a great asset as well as Montessori elementary training or adolescent… |
Sequence 315Canberra Montessori School 35 Mulley Street Holder ACT 2611 principal@canberramontessori. com Fax:+61-262872107 Canada… |
Sequence 265Fondazione C~ntro tntemazionale Studi Montessoriani th Montessori courses 2010-2011 priate level of Montessori training… |
Sequence 131customs of indigenous cultures is important at all levels, but especially for Montessori education, where showing respect for… |
Sequence 162BECOMING AN ADULT: p ATHWAYS TO MATURITY by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Dr. Csiksze11t111i1Iayli begins with Mo11tessori's… |
Sequence 349our lead teachers have AMI diplomas and we plan on seeking AMI accreditation during the 2012-2013 school year. Email resume… |
Sequence 91 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Artist Preface The ObservaTiOn arTisT by Molly O’Shaughnessy Molly O’Shaughnessy’s… |
Sequence 6557 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Scientist The ObservaTiOn scienTisT by Molly O’Shaughnessy Once the reasons for habitual… |
Sequence 193185 O’Shaughnessy • The Road Home The rOad hOMe by Molly O’Shaughnessy “Children have the potential to create a world we… |
Sequence 267259 Helfrich • Observation ObservaTiOn by Shannon Helfrich Helfrich addresses two perspectives from which to think about… |
Sequence 128AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 127 The Totality of Montessori introduction I have been asked today to begin this conference… |
Sequence 134AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 133 Montessori: Now More Than Ever Like everything in the universe, the human child is created… |