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Sequence 3219 Verschuur • Reflections and practical life items. Working with our hands we made what we needed and the work served me… |
Sequence 5152 Barnard, Grace Everett. (1916, February). Montessori conference at the NEA 1915 meeting. The Kindergarten and First… |
Sequence 170172 Gans, Ruth (1979). Consultation: A rationale for the total school approach. 30-32, (3). The Constructive Triangle… |
Sequence 350NAMTA NEWS NAMTA's CoNTR1euno To THE CENTENARY YEAR With its touring exhibit, A Montessori Journey: 1907-2007, NAMTA… |
Sequence 225219 Verschuur • Reflections and practical life items. Working with our hands we made what we needed and the work served me… |
Sequence 50I"'---------------------------------~- Announcement: 1981 NAMTA Workshop February 6, 7 at Vancouver, 8.C.… |
Sequence 5952 Barnard, Grace Everett. (1916, February). Montessori conference at the NEA 1915 meeting. The Kindergarten and First… |
Sequence 178172 Gans, Ruth (1979). Consultation: A rationale for the total school approach. 30-32, (3). The Constructive Triangle… |