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Sequence 108OHIO Hudson Montessori School is currently accepting applications for a Director/ess at the 6-9 and 9-12 year old Elementary… |
Sequence 207OHIO Positions open for Montessori teachers. Elmmuary dirrr- rms (,~ I to 3) and primary rrnchn(ages 3 to 6). AMI or… |
Sequence 208A school atf111i11i11ra1or a11tflor rlr111e111ary dirmorlro (6 ro 9) is sough, by ,he SOUTHERN MONTESSORJ EDUCA- TION CENTRE… |
Sequence 81Massasoit Montessori School needs AMI trained directress Sept. '79. Morning class of 20 children ages 21/1·6. Salary neg… |
Sequence 3632 1st and 2nd level Monles.wri teachers needed for Fall '80 to work in Mpl. area. (2 positions available in each… |
Sequence 7268 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE AM I Mon1essori teacher needed Sept. 82 for pre• primary class ages 2½ 10 6. Full day;… |
Sequence 5652 Needed for 83-84: AMI Elementary Teacher for a newly-formed school in St. Paul, Minnesota. Com- petitive salaries.… |
Sequence 7067 for 1he career minded Mon1essorian. Send resume and credcmials 10: Momessori ln1crna1ional . School. Inc. PO Box 2362… |