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Sequence 5The children were from middle income families and were restricted to four-year-olds attending school for the first time and… |
Sequence 144NORTH CAROLINA Montessori teachers needed for pre- school and elementary classes summer- /fall '88. Please send resume… |
Sequence 86The children were from middle income families and were restricted to four-year-olds attending school for the first time and… |
Sequence 116Elementary teacher needed for well-established, fully equipped 6 to 9 classroom. School owned and operated by AMI directress… |
Sequence 204have three primary and one low elementary classes 10 feed our own high elementary class- room. Beautiful school, warm… |
Sequence 268(Donna)/831-455-1546 (Adrii) 8:00 AM-3:00 PM. MONTESSORI CHILDREN'S HOUSE, a well-established San Francisco preschool… |
Sequence 184If interested, please send or fax resume and handwritten cover let- ter to: Paula Biwer, Administrator, PO Box 736, 5200… |
Sequence 2097150. Applications can be re- ceived by contacting: Department of Human Resources School Administration Building Room 124… |
Sequence 149sion plan, professional development fees, tuition discounts & more.Nelda Nutter (805-683-9383, 805-683-9384 fax,… |
Sequence 221We are located on the far north- west side of Chicago, nestled in a corporate office park and conve- niently located near… |
Sequence 232Mail/fax/emailresumeto:Mary Gaines, Head of School, Metropoli- tan Montessori School, 325 West 85th Street, New York, NY… |
Sequence 239mitment to Montessori education. A proven record of developing objec- tives and strategic goals is critical as well as… |
Sequence 248gree/Masterspreferredandmustbe OCCS qualified as director 1 or di- rector 2. School administration ex- perience minimum 2-3… |
Sequence 260,--------------------------- - --- ---- of ll0children. Currently our school has one toddler class, three primary and one… |
Sequence 192an Extended Day Program as well as both Before and After School Pro- grams. Please contact: Maureen Quinn 168 Turnpike… |
Sequence 20405, followed by the natural exten- sion to an Adolescent program with the Arts Center as the prepared envi- ronment. Enroll… |
Sequence 258Tel: 408-615-1254 Positions Available Pacific Rim International School (PRINTS) is seeking… |
Sequence 260Denison is a magnet school in the Denver Public Schools and opened its first Children's House in 1986. Currently there… |
Sequence 249CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Certified Monte5sori Teacher<, Needed in orth Phoenix, Ari/ona Montessori school located in beau… |
Sequence 368MCS has a unique 6-acre campus environment atop Pantops Moun- tain that incorporates the indoor and ou tdoorspaces, and… |
Sequence 63You can live near the school in historic area or 15 min away on a beautiful beach. Easy access to fas· cinating low-country… |
Sequence 51Response has been so great in our preschool classes (2 Vi-6). that we are expanding to the ele• mentary level. We have an AMI… |