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Sequence 12in other words, who had been deeply scarred by the war, injured in both body and soul. 6 Other types of institutions have… |
Sequence 16. . . the Erdkinder community is Montessori's instrument, an origi- nal and innovative instrument, for preventing the… |
Sequence 31REFERENCES Buys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy. MGM, 1938. Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick. A Chance to Live:… |
Sequence 13sense of personal responsibility." The very first experiment of this kind, however, was the Junior Republic, founded… |
Sequence 17Therefore, from this point of view, the Erdkinder community is Montessori's instrument, an original and innovative… |
Sequence 31should ask ourselves whether it is up to us to give life to this great idea of the Erdkinder community, or whether it would be… |
Sequence 53should ask ourselves whether it is up to us to give life to this great idea of the Erdkinder community, or whether it would be… |
Sequence 67Therefore, from this point of view, the Erdkinder community is Montessori's instrument, an original and innovative… |
Sequence 71sense of personal responsibility." The very first experiment of this kind, however, was the Junior Republic, founded… |
Sequence 1Report from Erdkinder Atlanta By Phil Gang Jn this report Mario Montessori responds to the previous Erdkinder Atlanta inter… |
Sequence 149in other words, who had been deeply scarred by the war, injured in both body and soul. 6 Other types of institutions have… |
Sequence 153. . . the Erdkinder community is Montessori's instrument, an origi- nal and innovative instrument, for preventing the… |
Sequence 168REFERENCES Buys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy. MGM, 1938. Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick. A Chance to Live:… |
Sequence 191sense of personal responsibility." The very first experiment of this kind, however, was the Junior Republic, founded… |
Sequence 195Therefore, from this point of view, the Erdkinder community is Montessori's instrument, an original and innovative… |
Sequence 209should ask ourselves whether it is up to us to give life to this great idea of the Erdkinder community, or whether it would be… |
Sequence 65Report from Erdkinder Atlanta By Phil Gang Jn this report Mario Montessori responds to the previous Erdkinder Atlanta inter… |