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Displaying results 1 - 56 of 56
Sequence 2Bequest of Wings, passing on a part of themselves to the next genera- tion, while they themselves are enriched and renewed by… |
Sequence 3sudden seriousness when those in thrall to the Wicked Witch of the West are freed from bondage. While in The Final Alice, a… |
Sequence 3scale, another time computing the relative distances between the plan- ets to a scale that would fit in the classroom. The… |
Sequence 1Multi-Cultural MONTESSORI AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY by Alice Renton Ms. Renton characterizes Montessori /,earning with a… |
Sequence 6students were taught confusions. At times, assignments were framed so that "culture" was a sort of umbrella… |
Sequence 1MULTICULTURAL DIMENSIONS OF MONTESSORI: PHIWSOPHY AND METHOD by Alice Renton Alice Renton presents a comprehensive view of… |
Sequence 14economic, racial, and educational. Through their own freeing work, they come to understand the freeing of the child. Fbr me,… |
Sequence 1WORLD ODYSSEY: REVELATIONS OF THE POSSIBLE by Renilde Montessori In eloquent style, RenildeMontessori speaks of restoring… |
Sequence 5woman in Europe. Eleanor looked to King Louis for help and he offered his sixteen-year-old son, also Louis, to become her… |
Sequence 10up with, expanding faster and faster for all eternity, unlimited by the speed of light or by lack of space. In this… |
Sequence 21Kohn, Alfie. No Contest: The Case Against Competition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986. Landes, William M., & Richard… |
Sequence 22it depends on the per- fect correlation of mat- ter but that through deductive reasoning one can legitimately tap into The… |
Sequence 10that exceeds us. Maybe the particulaxity of wonder is that we find activity and contemplation inseparably blended within it… |
Sequence 15We must be quick because our species, homo sapiens, having at- tained a certain level of intelligence, is now, in the words of… |
Sequence 9the way we are, just as we work together in society and in our friendships-we need to work together in that way within… |
Sequence 16end everything, including the people, the cities, and the countries one loved. But still, why did bad things happen to good… |
Sequence 6To continue, a Montessori building should also echo the supportive and helpful words from the stories of "The Emperor… |
Sequence 43exhibited in the later, experienced, seasoned tone of the old Plato of his last work, The Lnws. Intimidating? You bet. In… |
Sequence 64connection is stronger than a seen one" (cited in Kirk, Raven, & Schofield 188, 192, author's… |
Sequence 12plications that arise within every person's circumstances or psyche. l think Sherwood Anderson has grasped the… |
Sequence 13Proposal.for a Scientific Pedagogy 57 Houses - and visiting and admiring them is all one and the same. I saw ladies who… |
Sequence 25Proposal.for a Sciemific Pedagogy 7 M. Montessori,// Me1odo de/la Pedagogia Scienlijica. Ecli=ione cri1ica. p.159. K Ibid. p.… |
Sequence 8110 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man character-building. [ ... ] And this must be developed in our country,… |
Sequence 1156 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 any kind of symbol, from words to musical notes. Ada imagined the… |
Sequence 2event. For children's stories are particularly hospitable, inviting their readers to relish all types of dishes from the… |
Sequence 1Cincinnati's Public School Montessori Program by Mary O'Dwyer, Sean O'Dwyer and Margaret Williams Teacher,… |
Sequence 1Education to Wonder and the Kingdom of God by Sofia Cavalletti The following two selections are excerpted from Sofia… |
Sequence 4748 Murphy, Sister Blten. (H77). Self-dctualizacion: Learning to LLve. The Constructive Tridngle, ~. 22-31, (10). Myers… |
Sequence 96Bequest of Wings, passing on a part of themselves to the next genera- tion, while they themselves are enriched and renewed by… |
Sequence 97sudden seriousness when those in thrall to the Wicked Witch of the West are freed from bondage. While in The Final Alice, a… |
Sequence 108scale, another time computing the relative distances between the plan- ets to a scale that would fit in the classroom. The… |
Sequence 17Multi-Cultural MONTESSORI AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY by Alice Renton Ms. Renton characterizes Montessori /,earning with a… |
Sequence 14students were taught confusions. At times, assignments were framed so that "culture" was a sort of umbrella… |
Sequence 55MULTICULTURAL DIMENSIONS OF MONTESSORI: PHIWSOPHY AND METHOD by Alice Renton Alice Renton presents a comprehensive view of… |
Sequence 68economic, racial, and educational. Through their own freeing work, they come to understand the freeing of the child. Fbr me,… |
Sequence 10WORLD ODYSSEY: REVELATIONS OF THE POSSIBLE by Renilde Montessori In eloquent style, RenildeMontessori speaks of restoring… |
Sequence 234woman in Europe. Eleanor looked to King Louis for help and he offered his sixteen-year-old son, also Louis, to become her… |
Sequence 151up with, expanding faster and faster for all eternity, unlimited by the speed of light or by lack of space. In this… |
Sequence 208Kohn, Alfie. No Contest: The Case Against Competition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986. Landes, William M., & Richard… |
Sequence 497it depends on the per- fect correlation of mat- ter but that through deductive reasoning one can legitimately tap into The… |
Sequence 108that exceeds us. Maybe the particulaxity of wonder is that we find activity and contemplation inseparably blended within it… |
Sequence 25We must be quick because our species, homo sapiens, having at- tained a certain level of intelligence, is now, in the words of… |
Sequence 37the way we are, just as we work together in society and in our friendships-we need to work together in that way within… |
Sequence 378end everything, including the people, the cities, and the countries one loved. But still, why did bad things happen to good… |
Sequence 72To continue, a Montessori building should also echo the supportive and helpful words from the stories of "The Emperor… |
Sequence 172exhibited in the later, experienced, seasoned tone of the old Plato of his last work, The Lnws. Intimidating? You bet. In… |
Sequence 193connection is stronger than a seen one" (cited in Kirk, Raven, & Schofield 188, 192, author's… |
Sequence 284plications that arise within every person's circumstances or psyche. l think Sherwood Anderson has grasped the… |
Sequence 71Proposal.for a Scientific Pedagogy 57 Houses - and visiting and admiring them is all one and the same. I saw ladies who… |
Sequence 83Proposal.for a Sciemific Pedagogy 7 M. Montessori,// Me1odo de/la Pedagogia Scienlijica. Ecli=ione cri1ica. p.159. K Ibid. p.… |
Sequence 124110 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man character-building. [ ... ] And this must be developed in our country,… |
Sequence 5956 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 any kind of symbol, from words to musical notes. Ada imagined the… |
Sequence 30event. For children's stories are particularly hospitable, inviting their readers to relish all types of dishes from the… |
Sequence 1410 Cincinnati's Public School Montessori Program by Mary O'Dwyer, Sean O'Dwyer and Margaret Williams Teacher… |
Sequence 23Education to Wonder and the Kingdom of God by Sofia Cavalletti The following two selections are excerpted from Sofia… |
Sequence 5548 Murphy, Sister Blten. (H77). Self-dctualizacion: Learning to LLve. The Constructive Tridngle, ~. 22-31, (10). Myers… |