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Sequence 4BOOKS ABOUT MONTESSORI: METHOD, MOVEMENT, AND THEORY Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin. (1915). Montessori children. New York: Henry… |
Sequence 69 Drummond, Margaret. (1920). Five years old or thereabouts. New York: Longmans, Green & Co, (96). Drummond,… |
Sequence 710 Frost, Joe. L. (1968). Earl childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 78 Fynne,… |
Sequence 911-a Lyon, Peter. (1963). Success stor : the life and times of S. s. McClure (pp. 350-52). New York: Charles Scribner… |
Sequence 28Montessori, Maria. (1984). Quotations from The Child in the Family. Communications,!!_, 14, (1). Montessori, Mario. (1962… |
Sequence 4344 Claremont, Claude. of Montessori. (1949, June 3). The activity school--The purposefulness Times Educational Supplement… |
Sequence 46Long, John. (1982). NAMTA Quarterly, The elementary child, the curriculum and Montessori. 2, 10-16, (7). 47 Lucas, Ann F… |
Sequence 52Mack, Jane. (1976). Conference announcement. The Constructive Triangle, l, 5, o>. Montessori congress. (1951, May… |
Sequence 6061 CULTURAL STUDIES Devi, Dipti. (1963). Festivities observed in the Montessori Shishu Bhavan. Around the Child,~. 54-58… |
Sequence 6566 Bronder, Ann Kenny. (1981). Lasting impressions: The Montessori approach. Momentum,.!±_, 36-37, (2). Brooklyn Eagle. (… |
Sequence 6970 Holmes, H. W. (1912). The Montessori methods. Education, 33, 1-10, (6). Holmes, Henry w. (1913). Promising points in… |
Sequence 92Hainstock, Elizabeth. years. New York: (1971). Teachin Montessori in the home: The school New American Library Plume ,… |
Sequence 113114 Woman as child trainer. (1912, January 22). New York Evening Post, (4), A woman pioneer in education. (1912).… |
Sequence 117118 Montessori Talks to Parents Newsletter. published by North American Montessori Teachers' Association, 2859… |
Sequence 161Chattin-McNichols, John P, (1981). The effects of Montessori school experience. Young Children, 36, 49-66, (18). Chattin-… |
Sequence 177179 Perra, w. (1958). Appreciation of a mother-teacher. Around the Child, 2, 61-62, (2). Petersen, Robert C. _!2,… |
Sequence 12BOOKS ABOUT MONTESSORI: METHOD, MOVEMENT, AND THEORY Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin. (1915). Montessori children. New York: Henry… |
Sequence 149 Drummond, Margaret. (1920). Five years old or thereabouts. New York: Longmans, Green & Co, (96). Drummond,… |
Sequence 1510 Frost, Joe. L. (1968). Earl childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 78 Fynne,… |
Sequence 1711-a Lyon, Peter. (1963). Success stor : the life and times of S. s. McClure (pp. 350-52). New York: Charles Scribner… |
Sequence 36Montessori, Maria. (1984). Quotations from The Child in the Family. Communications,!!_, 14, (1). Montessori, Mario. (1962… |
Sequence 5144 Claremont, Claude. of Montessori. (1949, June 3). The activity school--The purposefulness Times Educational Supplement… |
Sequence 54Long, John. (1982). NAMTA Quarterly, The elementary child, the curriculum and Montessori. 2, 10-16, (7). 47 Lucas, Ann F… |
Sequence 60Mack, Jane. (1976). Conference announcement. The Constructive Triangle, l, 5, o>. Montessori congress. (1951, May… |
Sequence 6861 CULTURAL STUDIES Devi, Dipti. (1963). Festivities observed in the Montessori Shishu Bhavan. Around the Child,~. 54-58… |
Sequence 7366 Bronder, Ann Kenny. (1981). Lasting impressions: The Montessori approach. Momentum,.!±_, 36-37, (2). Brooklyn Eagle. (… |
Sequence 7770 Holmes, H. W. (1912). The Montessori methods. Education, 33, 1-10, (6). Holmes, Henry w. (1913). Promising points in… |
Sequence 100Hainstock, Elizabeth. years. New York: (1971). Teachin Montessori in the home: The school New American Library Plume ,… |
Sequence 121114 Woman as child trainer. (1912, January 22). New York Evening Post, (4), A woman pioneer in education. (1912).… |
Sequence 125118 Montessori Talks to Parents Newsletter. published by North American Montessori Teachers' Association, 2859… |
Sequence 169Chattin-McNichols, John P, (1981). The effects of Montessori school experience. Young Children, 36, 49-66, (18). Chattin-… |
Sequence 185179 Perra, w. (1958). Appreciation of a mother-teacher. Around the Child, 2, 61-62, (2). Petersen, Robert C. _!2,… |