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Sequence 5Key Institutions • The following institutions are key to the development of the Montessori 2000 project. Montessori… |
Sequence 13Key Institutions • The following institutions are key to the development of the Montessori 2000 project. Montessori… |
Sequence 4344 Claremont, Claude. of Montessori. (1949, June 3). The activity school--The purposefulness Times Educational Supplement… |
Sequence 5556 CREATIVE DRAMA Gerhartstein, Sister Mary Aloyse. (1980). A play on writing a play. NAMTA Quarterly,!, 17-23, (7).… |
Sequence 7071 Latifi, Azra. (1973). Around the Child, The discovery of the child and of an aim for life • ..!..?., 59-60, ( 2).… |
Sequence 7475 Rambusch, Nancy M. (1963). Montessori for American children. Paper presented at the 4th national American Montessori… |
Sequence 79Haring, Norris. (1963). Reflections upon contemporary learning theory and application in a structured environment Paper… |
Sequence 82Designs for differences. (Video]. Cleveland, Ohio: National Media Center/ NAMTA. 83 Growing up Montessori. [Video].… |
Sequence 8687 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 9091 Stevens, George L. (1963). Reading for young children. Paper presented at the 1963 Americand Montessori Society national… |
Sequence 96Montessori, Mario. (1974). Playing with numbers. Connnunications, .!.ll, 9-10, (2). 97 Montessori, Mario. (1959).… |
Sequence 122124 Ethical basis. (1912, September 11). Times Educational Supplement, p.463, (2). Joosten, A.M. (1958). Observation.… |
Sequence 164166 Jones, Sanford. Quarterly, (1976). Some reflections on religion and the child. !, 13-15, (3). Kahn, Barbara. (1983… |
Sequence 165167 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND MANACEHENBT A. Administration Dunn, Paul J. & Callahan, John Biyer. (1963). How to… |
Sequence 87Key Institutions • The following institutions are key to the development of the Montessori 2000 project. Montessori… |
Sequence 198State Association of Independent Schools. The excellent salary reflects the directress's experience and educa- tional… |
Sequence 5144 Claremont, Claude. of Montessori. (1949, June 3). The activity school--The purposefulness Times Educational Supplement… |
Sequence 6356 CREATIVE DRAMA Gerhartstein, Sister Mary Aloyse. (1980). A play on writing a play. NAMTA Quarterly,!, 17-23, (7).… |
Sequence 7871 Latifi, Azra. (1973). Around the Child, The discovery of the child and of an aim for life • ..!..?., 59-60, ( 2).… |
Sequence 8275 Rambusch, Nancy M. (1963). Montessori for American children. Paper presented at the 4th national American Montessori… |
Sequence 87Haring, Norris. (1963). Reflections upon contemporary learning theory and application in a structured environment Paper… |
Sequence 90Designs for differences. (Video]. Cleveland, Ohio: National Media Center/ NAMTA. 83 Growing up Montessori. [Video].… |
Sequence 9487 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 9891 Stevens, George L. (1963). Reading for young children. Paper presented at the 1963 Americand Montessori Society national… |
Sequence 104Montessori, Mario. (1974). Playing with numbers. Connnunications, .!.ll, 9-10, (2). 97 Montessori, Mario. (1959).… |
Sequence 130124 Ethical basis. (1912, September 11). Times Educational Supplement, p.463, (2). Joosten, A.M. (1958). Observation.… |
Sequence 172166 Jones, Sanford. Quarterly, (1976). Some reflections on religion and the child. !, 13-15, (3). Kahn, Barbara. (1983… |
Sequence 173167 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND MANACEHENBT A. Administration Dunn, Paul J. & Callahan, John Biyer. (1963). How to… |