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Sequence 2the use of video-taped observations. She also depended on the random- ness of the assignment of the children to compensate for… |
Sequence 17HISTORY, CMcs, GEOGRAPHY, AND ECONOMICS 1. What is the democratic ideal? How, when, why, and where has it arisen in the… |
Sequence 21Blumenfeld, P. C., Pimrich, P. R., & Hamilton, V. L. (1986). Children's concepts of ability, effott, and conduct… |
Sequence 17Fried an, B. (1962). The feminine mystique. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Mann, A. (1996, August). [Untitled workshop]. In… |
Sequence 19Kohn,Alfie. Scl,ools 011r C/1ildre11 Deserve.Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. Kranowitz, Carol Stock, & Lucy Jane… |
Sequence 18Gardner, Howard. The U11schooled Mind. NY: Basic Books, 1991. Haines, Annette. Lecture. "Creativity: Our Challenge.… |
Sequence 15the use of video-taped observations. She also depended on the random- ness of the assignment of the children to compensate for… |
Sequence 66HISTORY, CMcs, GEOGRAPHY, AND ECONOMICS 1. What is the democratic ideal? How, when, why, and where has it arisen in the… |
Sequence 95Blumenfeld, P. C., Pimrich, P. R., & Hamilton, V. L. (1986). Children's concepts of ability, effott, and conduct… |
Sequence 143Fried an, B. (1962). The feminine mystique. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Mann, A. (1996, August). [Untitled workshop]. In… |
Sequence 28Kohn,Alfie. Scl,ools 011r C/1ildre11 Deserve.Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. Kranowitz, Carol Stock, & Lucy Jane… |
Sequence 107Gardner, Howard. The U11schooled Mind. NY: Basic Books, 1991. Haines, Annette. Lecture. "Creativity: Our Challenge.… |