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Sequence 5she also has a social value; that he or she is valued as a contributing member of the family unit. The child also learns self-… |
Sequence 14elementary child we imparted the universe-for the adolescent, ic is simply a Bue it is more than a farm. le is a… |
Sequence 2"Man," said Maria Montessori, "is overcome with hatred and does not obey the laws of nature. Nobler… |
Sequence 1AN INTERvIEwWTIH TuoMAS BERRY In an interview with Gerry Leonard in November 1990, Thomas Berry discussed his views about the… |
Sequence 6Cost The cost of the barn and most of its furnishings is estimated at $20,000. Gardens, Orchard and Berry Patches The main… |
Sequence 2of an abstract understanding of ecology would be quite adequate. However, for those who see the ultimate solution to our… |
Sequence 9community level where solutions need to be found for the more appro- priate management of the landscape. By beginning with… |
Sequence 4that we are now faced with a crisis of global proportions. This situation takes the form of a crisis in energy, food, ecology… |
Sequence 3functioning earth (Gaia) are the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmo- sphere, biosphere, and noosphere (mindsphere) ( cited in Berry… |
Sequence 5Thomas Berry hopes that the next geological era of evolution following the Cenozoic will be the Ecozoic Era (eco-, "… |
Sequence 7The great work for the child, as for all humans, is to become a conscious collabo- rator with the unfolding of the universe… |
Sequence 6God's intention to create the kind of world that God really wanted. The testimony of contemporary scientific research… |
Sequence 21developmental time, we are seeking our place in this vast sweep of evolution. In terms of space, we are seeking appropriate… |
Sequence 15physical improvement. As long as the children feel that adults will listen to their conclusions and engage in a dialogue, the… |
Sequence 23REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |
Sequence 4The Story of our Universe is the most awe-inspiring tale that ever could be told. New dimensions are added to it almost… |
Sequence 21The Last Bargain "Come and hire me," I cried, while in the morning I was walking on the stone-paved road.… |
Sequence 2are the questions raised by Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry in their landmark work, The Universe Story. Their epic portrayal… |
Sequence 13REVIEW OF THE GREAT WoRK BY THOMAS BERRY by Gerard Leonard Thomas Berry's latest book, The Great Work, is a very… |
Sequence 14for creative transformation. The great danger for the human species in the present moment of grace is that: If the outer… |
Sequence 15tale," a vast geographical panorama, and shows how the different cultures and civilizations have variously expressed… |
Sequence 14REFERENCES Berry, Wendell. Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community. New York: Pantheon Press, 1992. Berry, Wendell. Recollected… |
Sequence 5or "land lab," it is a community effort and will be used by the entire community. The enrichment of the… |
Sequence 10cycles in nature through observation and experience, a child will have a base upon which to build more theoretical… |
Sequence 26Th is observation experiment, although traumatic for some, opens the door to self-observation and discovery. It allows us to… |
Sequence 16REFERENCES Brazelton, T. Berry, & Stanley I. Greenspan. The Irreducible Needs of Children: What Every Child Must Have… |
Sequence 5• Struggle is common and natural. • Change is inevitable. Does our intimate knowledge of these natural principles depend on… |
Sequence 6ments and the extent to which natural resources are available to us or are being used up or thoughtlessly wasted or unfairly… |
Sequence 13them through and onward, or at the very least, lie in wait until a fertile time when the memory of what they experienced with… |
Sequence 17to hold in our hearts and minds the big picture, and for the love of our children and the future, to keep our own fire of hope… |
Sequence 11practice tl1e skills site was /eami11g, and to 111ake a real co11trib11tio11 to her co11111111nity me111bers. Iliad allowed… |
Sequence 2Jn Spring we planted seed, And by degrees the plants Grew, flowered, and transformed The light to food, which we Brought in… |
Sequence 161 would therefore initiate teachers into the observation of the most simple forms of living things, with all those aids which… |
Sequence 24projects itself into the future and is sunk in the remotest ages of the past, thereby linking the past to the present and the… |
Sequence 13great dissolver" (From Childhood to Adolesce11ce 46). A lot of carbon was buried in the sedimentary rocks with the… |
Sequence 15Atkins, Peter W. The Periodic Ki11gdo111. New York: Basic Books, 1995. Ball, Philip. The l11gredie11ts: A Guided Tour of the… |
Sequence 11Berry, Thomas. The Great Work Berry, Wendell. Tire U11settli11g of America Brown, Lester. P/a11 B 3.0: Mobilizi11g to Save… |
Sequence 14Berry, Thomas. "It Takes a Universe." Save the Hermitage. June 3, 2009 <https:/ /… |
Sequence 565 Verschuur • Ecosystems in the Backyard: Preparing a Diverse Outdoor Environment for Primary level, but by becoming… |
Sequence 9143 Leonard • Deepening Cosmic Education brought to their newly settled areas of the world. Elementary children love this… |
Sequence 1exPeriences in nature: resolute second-Plane directions toward erdKinder Gerard Leonard and Kathleen Allen Gerard Leonard… |
Sequence 10162 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 What we elementary Montessori teachers have to remember is that the real… |
Sequence 31191 Henke • Toward the Ultimate Goal of Peace reform issues of our time. These student groups form the backbone of peace… |
Sequence 999 Leonard • The Montessori Classroom and to the local society in his town, county, and bioregion. From this security and… |
Sequence 19109 Leonard • The Montessori Classroom humanity connects us; these are classroom essentials when we educate for peace. One… |
Sequence 755 Doerr, Good, and Waski • The Water Molecule is developing much more nonlinearly than linearly, there is not a clear point… |
Sequence 3078 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 bibliograPHy Berry, T. The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future. New… |
Sequence 1344 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Maria Montessori was well aware of the amazing work of the microbes (… |
Sequence 19106 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 106 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 REFERENCES Bailey… |
Sequence 3637 Trochta, Charlene. (1980). A sense of community: Montessori' s gift to the developing child. NAMTA Quarterly, 1,… |
Sequence 102she also has a social value; that he or she is valued as a contributing member of the family unit. The child also learns self-… |
Sequence 19elementary child we imparted the universe-for the adolescent, ic is simply a Bue it is more than a farm. le is a… |
Sequence 22"Man," said Maria Montessori, "is overcome with hatred and does not obey the laws of nature. Nobler… |
Sequence 30AN INTERvIEwWTIH TuoMAS BERRY In an interview with Gerry Leonard in November 1990, Thomas Berry discussed his views about the… |
Sequence 106Cost The cost of the barn and most of its furnishings is estimated at $20,000. Gardens, Orchard and Berry Patches The main… |
Sequence 66of an abstract understanding of ecology would be quite adequate. However, for those who see the ultimate solution to our… |
Sequence 73community level where solutions need to be found for the more appro- priate management of the landscape. By beginning with… |
Sequence 102that we are now faced with a crisis of global proportions. This situation takes the form of a crisis in energy, food, ecology… |
Sequence 156functioning earth (Gaia) are the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmo- sphere, biosphere, and noosphere (mindsphere) ( cited in Berry… |
Sequence 158Thomas Berry hopes that the next geological era of evolution following the Cenozoic will be the Ecozoic Era (eco-, "… |
Sequence 160The great work for the child, as for all humans, is to become a conscious collabo- rator with the unfolding of the universe… |
Sequence 180God's intention to create the kind of world that God really wanted. The testimony of contemporary scientific research… |
Sequence 207developmental time, we are seeking our place in this vast sweep of evolution. In terms of space, we are seeking appropriate… |
Sequence 208REFERENCES Anderson, B.W. (1986). Understanding the Old Testament (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Anderson,… |
Sequence 201physical improvement. As long as the children feel that adults will listen to their conclusions and engage in a dialogue, the… |
Sequence 209REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |
Sequence 92The Story of our Universe is the most awe-inspiring tale that ever could be told. New dimensions are added to it almost… |
Sequence 109The Last Bargain "Come and hire me," I cried, while in the morning I was walking on the stone-paved road.… |
Sequence 128are the questions raised by Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry in their landmark work, The Universe Story. Their epic portrayal… |
Sequence 128REVIEW OF THE GREAT WoRK BY THOMAS BERRY by Gerard Leonard Thomas Berry's latest book, The Great Work, is a very… |
Sequence 129for creative transformation. The great danger for the human species in the present moment of grace is that: If the outer… |
Sequence 130tale," a vast geographical panorama, and shows how the different cultures and civilizations have variously expressed… |
Sequence 133REFERENCES Berry, Wendell. Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community. New York: Pantheon Press, 1992. Berry, Wendell. Recollected… |
Sequence 9or "land lab," it is a community effort and will be used by the entire community. The enrichment of the… |
Sequence 207cycles in nature through observation and experience, a child will have a base upon which to build more theoretical… |
Sequence 154Th is observation experiment, although traumatic for some, opens the door to self-observation and discovery. It allows us to… |
Sequence 45REFERENCES Brazelton, T. Berry, & Stanley I. Greenspan. The Irreducible Needs of Children: What Every Child Must Have… |
Sequence 123• Struggle is common and natural. • Change is inevitable. Does our intimate knowledge of these natural principles depend on… |
Sequence 124ments and the extent to which natural resources are available to us or are being used up or thoughtlessly wasted or unfairly… |
Sequence 131them through and onward, or at the very least, lie in wait until a fertile time when the memory of what they experienced with… |
Sequence 139to hold in our hearts and minds the big picture, and for the love of our children and the future, to keep our own fire of hope… |
Sequence 114practice tl1e skills site was /eami11g, and to 111ake a real co11trib11tio11 to her co11111111nity me111bers. Iliad allowed… |
Sequence 87Jn Spring we planted seed, And by degrees the plants Grew, flowered, and transformed The light to food, which we Brought in… |
Sequence 1011 would therefore initiate teachers into the observation of the most simple forms of living things, with all those aids which… |
Sequence 120projects itself into the future and is sunk in the remotest ages of the past, thereby linking the past to the present and the… |
Sequence 244great dissolver" (From Childhood to Adolesce11ce 46). A lot of carbon was buried in the sedimentary rocks with the… |
Sequence 246Atkins, Peter W. The Periodic Ki11gdo111. New York: Basic Books, 1995. Ball, Philip. The l11gredie11ts: A Guided Tour of the… |
Sequence 335Berry, Thomas. The Great Work Berry, Wendell. Tire U11settli11g of America Brown, Lester. P/a11 B 3.0: Mobilizi11g to Save… |
Sequence 113Berry, Thomas. "It Takes a Universe." Save the Hermitage. June 3, 2009 <https:/ /… |
Sequence 7565 Verschuur • Ecosystems in the Backyard: Preparing a Diverse Outdoor Environment for Primary level, but by becoming… |
Sequence 153143 Leonard • Deepening Cosmic Education brought to their newly settled areas of the world. Elementary children love this… |
Sequence 163153 Leonard and Allen • Experiences in Nature: Resolute Second-Plane Directions Toward Erdkinder exPeriences in nature:… |
Sequence 172162 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 What we elementary Montessori teachers have to remember is that the real… |
Sequence 197191 Henke • Toward the Ultimate Goal of Peace reform issues of our time. These student groups form the backbone of peace… |
Sequence 10499 Leonard • The Montessori Classroom and to the local society in his town, county, and bioregion. From this security and… |
Sequence 114109 Leonard • The Montessori Classroom humanity connects us; these are classroom essentials when we educate for peace. One… |
Sequence 6155 Doerr, Good, and Waski • The Water Molecule is developing much more nonlinearly than linearly, there is not a clear point… |
Sequence 8478 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 bibliograPHy Berry, T. The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future. New… |