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Displaying results 1 - 45 of 45
Sequence 1A SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS FOR MONTESSORIANS By Charlene S. Trochta Twenty-Five Favorites: Some New, Some Old… |
Sequence 2EDUCATEURS SANS FRONTIERES: LIVING OUT THE VISION by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene Trochta's review of her experience of… |
Sequence 1Charlene S. Trochta and student -n The NAMTA Jo11mal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • Spring 2008 |
Sequence 2OBSERVATIONS: WHAT Is SEEN? WHAT DoEs IT IMPLY? WHAT CAN BE DONE? by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene Trochta revisits core… |
Sequence 1School Administration: The Spiritual Factor: Formulating a Policy by Charlene S. Trochta How should the school respond to… |
Sequence 1Parent Education at Edwardsville Montessori School by Charlene S. Trochta Parent education must be an integral part of the… |
Sequence 1Children's Literature: An Untapped Resource in the Prepared Environment by Charlene S. Trochta Ms. Trochta's… |
Sequence 7and purchasing a balanced selection of fiction and non-fiction, picture, poetry and references, gradually a school can build… |
Sequence 2and purchasing a balanced selection of fiction and non-fiction, picture, poetry and references, gradually a school can build… |
Sequence 8Children's Literature: An Untapped Resource in the Prepared Environment by Charlene S. Trochta Ms. Trochta's… |
Sequence 1Reflections After Munich by Charlene Trochta The Munich Congress. summer of '71. auracted over 2000 participants from… |
Sequence 1A Sense of Community: Montessori's Gift to the Developing Child by Charlene S. Trochta My involvement in Montessori… |
Sequence 1The Professional Montessorian: An Examination of Conscience By Charlene S. Trochta Ms. Trochta encourages the invaluable… |
Sequence 1The Movement for the Eighties The Montessori Movement: Thoughts on its Future Charlene S. Trochta A truly philosophical and… |
Sequence 204206 Trochta, Charlene S. (1981). The professional Montessorian: An examination of conscience. NAHTA Quarterly, ~. 5-9, (… |
Sequence 1montessorian with a small "m" an introspective journey by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene's long career… |
Sequence 108OHIO Hudson Montessori School is currently accepting applications for a Director/ess at the 6-9 and 9-12 year old Elementary… |
Sequence 3THE MONTESSORI PARENT COMMITMENT Of Roots and Wings by David Kahn… |
Sequence 99A SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS FOR MONTESSORIANS By Charlene S. Trochta Twenty-Five Favorites: Some New, Some Old… |
Sequence 5THE ADOLESCENT ANO THE FAMILY: LOVE AND LIMITS ......................... by Linda Davis PROJECT 2012: HISTORY WHITHER BoUND… |
Sequence 194EDUCATEURS SANS FRONTIERES: LIVING OUT THE VISION by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene Trochta's review of her experience of… |
Sequence 46Charlene S. Trochta and student -n The NAMTA Jo11mal • Vol. 33, No. 2 • Spring 2008 |
Sequence 31OBSERVATIONS: WHAT Is SEEN? WHAT DoEs IT IMPLY? WHAT CAN BE DONE? by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene Trochta revisits core… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI: THE SPIRITUAL QUESTION Editorial Report A Secular Argument for Religious Education. by David Kahn… |
Sequence 33School Administration: The Spiritual Factor: Formulating a Policy by Charlene S. Trochta How should the school respond to… |
Sequence 1PARENT EDUCATION: FORM AND CONTENT Parents and Adults in the House of Children Unite around the Child A.M. Joosten Parent… |
Sequence 3PARENT EDUCATION: FORM AND CONTENT Editorial Report: Parents and Adults in the House of Children Unite around the Child by A… |
Sequence 10Parent Education at Edwardsville Montessori School by Charlene S. Trochta Parent education must be an integral part of the… |
Sequence 1CHILDREN'S LITERATURE East of the Sun and West of the Moon Lilian B. Mullane Children's Literature: An Untapped… |
Sequence 3CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Editorial Report: East of the Sun and West of the Moon by Lilian B. Mullane… |
Sequence 9Children's Literature: An Untapped Resource in the Prepared Environment by Charlene S. Trochta Ms. Trochta's… |
Sequence 15and purchasing a balanced selection of fiction and non-fiction, picture, poetry and references, gradually a school can build… |
Sequence 35Reflections After Munich by Charlene Trochta The Munich Congress. summer of '71. auracted over 2000 participants from… |
Sequence 3SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE CHILD volume five number three Editorial Report Towards Improving the Human Ecology… |
Sequence 11A Sense of Community: Montessori's Gift to the Developing Child by Charlene S. Trochta My involvement in Montessori… |
Sequence 9The Professional Montessorian: An Examination of Conscience By Charlene S. Trochta Ms. Trochta encourages the invaluable… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI MOVEMENT - THE END OF AN ERA THE START OF RENEWAL volume seven number three Part I The Movement for the… |
Sequence 5The Movement for the Eighties The Montessori Movement: Thoughts on its Future Charlene S. Trochta A truly philosophical and… |
Sequence 51AMI Elementary and Pre-primary teaching posi- tions available. Live in beautiful sunny Arizona. Great Year round climate.… |
Sequence 212206 Trochta, Charlene S. (1981). The professional Montessorian: An examination of conscience. NAHTA Quarterly, ~. 5-9, (… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI CAREERS .t Children Learning; Montessori in Practice by Paula Polk Lillard A Career In Montessori Education by… |
Sequence 3.. MONTESSORI CAREERS volume 11 number two Developing The Montessori Adult Children Learning; Montessori in Practice by… |
Sequence 19montessorian with a small "m" an introspective journey by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene's long career… |