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Displaying results 1 - 59 of 59
Sequence 6be able to operate successfully; these persons in conjunction with each other should form a coherent body of positive growth… |
Sequence 22c) S11111u 2, Chap. :J. Cunents and Countel' Curl'ents in Medical Sdencc. Rep1·intecl in Cltild mul F11111i/!f. 1:~:… |
Sequence 23Reprinted as The Duty Of Nu,·sin,g Chilch-en in Child (Ill(/ Fa111i/y Reprint Booklet, The Nm":<ing Mother:… |
Sequence 7rational behaviorist thought that the small child could hide within him "spiritual germs" or "… |
Sequence 20Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |
Sequence 145Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |
Sequence 19Becker, Wesley C. "Consequences of Different Kinds of Parental Discipline." Review of Child Development Re… |
Sequence 22Radke-Yarrow, Marian, Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, & Michael Chapman. "Children's Prosocial Dispositions and… |
Sequence 8Thanks to Charlene Trochta, Charlotte Kovach Shea, Carol Alver, Sanford Jones; thanks to David Kahn and everyone else who… |
Sequence 31Csikszentmihalyi, M., & B.Schneider. Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 12in the sequence of activities, stronger mentoring relationships and community ties, and multifaceted tasks and problems that… |
Sequence 37of Human Development. Ed. R.M. Lerner. New York: Wiley, 1998. Vol. 1 of Handbook of Child PsychologiJ, Wil- liam Damon, ed.-… |
Sequence 34ourselves when we make mistakes. We want our politicians and industrial leaders to learn from their mistakes. We all should do… |
Sequence 189Discovering the Universal Child (India) Adding to what has been mentioned on the Indian panel, the famed Gujarati educator… |
Sequence 18The Atlantic Wire. "Americans vs. Basic Historical Knowledge." June 3, 2010. <http://www.… |
Sequence 65351 Luborsky • The Role of the Occupational Therapist Gadow, K. D., DeVincent, C. J., & Pomeroy J. “ADHD Symptom… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 19 in regard to the adolescent) were clearly hypothetical. Regardless, she believed these ideas… |
Sequence 21Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 84AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 131Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 150AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 19 in regard to the adolescent) were clearly hypothetical. Regardless, she believed these ideas… |
Sequence 85AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 132Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 151AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 19 in regard to the adolescent) were clearly hypothetical. Regardless, she believed these ideas… |
Sequence 516 empathy, the emotional identification of one person with another. One person takes the role of the other and responds… |
Sequence 864 schools. "The gains produced are less likely to deteriorate over time than those of other programs and may not… |
Sequence 923. M. Brearley ed. The Teaching of Young Children. New York: Schocken Books. 1971. 24. D. Anker, "Teaching… |
Sequence 815 1946 "Incentives to Development and Means of Early Education," The Psychoanalytic Study of rhe Child. II… |
Sequence 12concepts overboard, although for the lime being there are no observational data supporting the new concept. In the genesis of… |
Sequence 40Pelicier, Y. (1979). Review of History, 1979. 99. Peplar, D.J. (1981). Child Development, 52, 1202. Rarick, G.L. (1980… |
Sequence 8687 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 158160 Z. Task Persistence/Time on Task Hamilton, V. Jane & Gordon, 0. (1978). Teacher-child interactions in… |
Sequence 103be able to operate successfully; these persons in conjunction with each other should form a coherent body of positive growth… |
Sequence 75c) S11111u 2, Chap. :J. Cunents and Countel' Curl'ents in Medical Sdencc. Rep1·intecl in Cltild mul F11111i/!f. 1:~:… |
Sequence 76Reprinted as The Duty Of Nu,·sin,g Chilch-en in Child (Ill(/ Fa111i/y Reprint Booklet, The Nm":<ing Mother:… |
Sequence 80rational behaviorist thought that the small child could hide within him "spiritual germs" or "… |
Sequence 102Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |
Sequence 206Becker, Wesley C. "Consequences of Different Kinds of Parental Discipline." Review of Child Development Re… |
Sequence 209Radke-Yarrow, Marian, Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, & Michael Chapman. "Children's Prosocial Dispositions and… |
Sequence 13Thanks to Charlene Trochta, Charlotte Kovach Shea, Carol Alver, Sanford Jones; thanks to David Kahn and everyone else who… |
Sequence 45Csikszentmihalyi, M., & B.Schneider. Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 535in the sequence of activities, stronger mentoring relationships and community ties, and multifaceted tasks and problems that… |
Sequence 52of Human Development. Ed. R.M. Lerner. New York: Wiley, 1998. Vol. 1 of Handbook of Child PsychologiJ, Wil- liam Damon, ed.-… |
Sequence 62ourselves when we make mistakes. We want our politicians and industrial leaders to learn from their mistakes. We all should do… |
Sequence 191Discovering the Universal Child (India) Adding to what has been mentioned on the Indian panel, the famed Gujarati educator… |
Sequence 84The Atlantic Wire. "Americans vs. Basic Historical Knowledge." June 3, 2010. <http://www.… |
Sequence 357351 Luborsky • The Role of the Occupational Therapist Gadow, K. D., DeVincent, C. J., & Pomeroy J. “ADHD Symptom… |
Sequence 20AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 19 in regard to the adolescent) were clearly hypothetical. Regardless, she believed these ideas… |
Sequence 39Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 86AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 2016 empathy, the emotional identification of one person with another. One person takes the role of the other and responds… |
Sequence 6864 schools. "The gains produced are less likely to deteriorate over time than those of other programs and may not… |
Sequence 6923. M. Brearley ed. The Teaching of Young Children. New York: Schocken Books. 1971. 24. D. Anker, "Teaching… |
Sequence 1815 1946 "Incentives to Development and Means of Early Education," The Psychoanalytic Study of rhe Child. II… |
Sequence 31concepts overboard, although for the lime being there are no observational data supporting the new concept. In the genesis of… |
Sequence 48Pelicier, Y. (1979). Review of History, 1979. 99. Peplar, D.J. (1981). Child Development, 52, 1202. Rarick, G.L. (1980… |
Sequence 9487 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 166160 Z. Task Persistence/Time on Task Hamilton, V. Jane & Gordon, 0. (1978). Teacher-child interactions in… |