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Sequence 12University of California Press, 1980), pp. 395-435. 31 Plato Apology 29e. 32 See, e.g., Plato Protagoras 360d: courage is… |
Sequence 37Levi-Strauss, C. (1966). The savage mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Levi-Strauss, C. ( 1969). The raw and the… |
Sequence 23REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |
Sequence 91University of California Press, 1980), pp. 395-435. 31 Plato Apology 29e. 32 See, e.g., Plato Protagoras 360d: courage is… |
Sequence 51Levi-Strauss, C. (1966). The savage mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Levi-Strauss, C. ( 1969). The raw and the… |
Sequence 209REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |