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Sequence 291Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Bibliography Dewey, J… |
Sequence 7879 DISADVANTAGED Braun, Samuel. Nursery education for disadvantaged children: An historical review. (1966). In Montessori… |
Sequence 99•oo (1924). Child character. The Call of Education,.!., 95-103, (9). (1929). The child in the church. London: Sands and… |
Sequence 106107 Centenary ce le brat ions in 1970. ( 1969). Communications, i, 29-30, (2). Centenary celebrations in 1970. (1970).… |
Sequence 117118 Montessori Talks to Parents Newsletter. published by North American Montessori Teachers' Association, 2859… |
Sequence 172174 Hutchinson, Lily. (1924). Call of Education,!, A review of the Montessori movement in England. 68-73, (6). Ingle,… |
Sequence 179Tagore, Rabindranath. Montessori School. (1934). An address: On the opening of the Rajhat Reprinted (1961) Around the… |
Sequence 203Reports on lectures in England. (1927, May 14-July 23). Times Educational Supplement: May 14--Psychology of the method. 224… |
Sequence 297Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Bibliography Dewey, J… |
Sequence 8679 DISADVANTAGED Braun, Samuel. Nursery education for disadvantaged children: An historical review. (1966). In Montessori… |
Sequence 107•oo (1924). Child character. The Call of Education,.!., 95-103, (9). (1929). The child in the church. London: Sands and… |
Sequence 114107 Centenary ce le brat ions in 1970. ( 1969). Communications, i, 29-30, (2). Centenary celebrations in 1970. (1970).… |
Sequence 125118 Montessori Talks to Parents Newsletter. published by North American Montessori Teachers' Association, 2859… |
Sequence 180174 Hutchinson, Lily. (1924). Call of Education,!, A review of the Montessori movement in England. 68-73, (6). Ingle,… |
Sequence 187Tagore, Rabindranath. Montessori School. (1934). An address: On the opening of the Rajhat Reprinted (1961) Around the… |
Sequence 211Reports on lectures in England. (1927, May 14-July 23). Times Educational Supplement: May 14--Psychology of the method. 224… |