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Displaying results 1 - 80 of 80
Sequence 15Footnotes 'Maria Montessori (1948) To Educate the Human Potential 5th Edition 1973, Kalakshetra Publica- tions Press,… |
Sequence 15le is clear from an analysis of human development that education is an indispensable function in che formation of man.… |
Sequence 9And these separate energies, finding nothing to satisfy them, give rise to innumerable combinations of wrong and deviated… |
Sequence 291Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Bibliography Dewey, J… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 58AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 59AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 36 Savoye, Jo Wood & Welter, Marsha Breitman. (1974). In the classroom: Brayer painting, vegetable printing, fish… |
Sequence 1314 Cavaletti, Sofia. (1983). The religious potential of the child. New York: Paulist Press. 1. Communications.… |
Sequence 2425 C. Discipline/Freedom/Independence Chandra, Rangit Sekhar. (1960). Naughty Child. Around the Child, 2• 34-3 7, (4).… |
Sequence 2627 Jordan, Nancy. (1974). The malad'usted child in a Montessori settin Paper delivered at the Congress in Turin.… |
Sequence 28Montessori, Maria. (1984). Quotations from The Child in the Family. Communications,!!_, 14, (1). Montessori, Mario. (1962… |
Sequence 3031 Gupta, R. K. (1964). Consciousness and the child. Around the Child, .2_, 42-45, (4). Hillman, Rebecca. (1968, Fall… |
Sequence 3334 Usterkorn, Jon. ( 1977). MAMrA Quarterly, 1, On the significance of personality substitution. 1-15, (15). Peller,… |
Sequence 50Chattin-McNichols, John. (1982). Counterpoint to Campbell's computer article. The Constructive Triangle, 2, 7-8, (… |
Sequence 52Mack, Jane. (1976). Conference announcement. The Constructive Triangle, l, 5, o>. Montessori congress. (1951, May… |
Sequence 6061 CULTURAL STUDIES Devi, Dipti. (1963). Festivities observed in the Montessori Shishu Bhavan. Around the Child,~. 54-58… |
Sequence 6465 Bell, Mrs. Alexander Graham. (1914). What the Montessori method means to me. Freedom for the Child, !, 7-10, (3). Berger… |
Sequence 68Godefroy, J. C. L. (1925). Perspectives provided by the Montessori method. Call of Education, 3, 24-31, (8). Goodwin, Gary… |
Sequence 7071 Latifi, Azra. (1973). Around the Child, The discovery of the child and of an aim for life • ..!..?., 59-60, ( 2).… |
Sequence 7475 Rambusch, Nancy M. (1963). Montessori for American children. Paper presented at the 4th national American Montessori… |
Sequence 8384 Bashyal, R. P. (1967). Geography and the young child. Part II. Around the Child, _!.!, 20-23, (4). Fabricant, Ellen… |
Sequence 8687 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 9394 Neubert, Ann B. (1972). A way of learning: A Montessori manual. New York: American Montessori Society. Perry, Celma… |
Sequence 94Didactic materials. (1919, November 6). Times Educational Supplement, p. 557, (2). Dwyer, Muriel. (1973). Operation solid… |
Sequence 96Montessori, Mario. (1974). Playing with numbers. Connnunications, .!.ll, 9-10, (2). 97 Montessori, Mario. (1959).… |
Sequence 9899 After 1907 Books still in print are not available from NAMTA, Not every edition of Montessori' s books was… |
Sequence 99•oo (1924). Child character. The Call of Education,.!., 95-103, (9). (1929). The child in the church. London: Sands and… |
Sequence 101102 (1929). Education of mentally defective children. Lecture given in Barcelona, Spain. Reprinted (1977). Communications… |
Sequence 102(1923,25,30,37, 46,). Dr. Montessori on independence. Lecture excerpts reprinted in (1976). Communications, 3/4, 28-36, (… |
Sequence 103104 (1937). Hy method. Lecture at the 6th International Montessori Conference Copenhagen, 1937. Reprinted Around the Child… |
Sequence 104(1936). Principles and practices in education. Lecture delivered at the Institute of Medical Psychology, London, 1936.… |
Sequence 105106 (n.d.). The three levels of ascent. Reprinted (1962). Around the Child, 2, 1-3, (3). (1933). The two natures of the… |
Sequence 107108 Dr. Montessori's aim. (1913, December 9). New York Times, (1). Dr. Montessori with her new race plan. (1913,… |
Sequence 108109 Heller, H. H. (1914). Appreciation: Maria Montessori. Journal of Education, 79, 96, (l). Hoehm, Matthew (Ed.). (1948… |
Sequence 122124 Ethical basis. (1912, September 11). Times Educational Supplement, p.463, (2). Joosten, A.M. (1958). Observation.… |
Sequence 166168 F. Policy Kahn, David. (1975). Toward a handmade materials ownership policy. NAMTA Quarterly, !, 34-36, (3).… |
Sequence 169171 Dwyer, Muriel. (1970). Report form Tanzania. Communications, ill, 15-17, (3). Elisabeth, Sr. M. (1967). Around the… |
Sequence 179Tagore, Rabindranath. Montessori School. (1934). An address: On the opening of the Rajhat Reprinted (1961) Around the… |
Sequence 182184 Turner, Charles & Turner, Joy. Constructive Triangle, .!.Q, (1983). Science, you, and your child. 8-12, (5… |
Sequence 189191 The Providence meeting. (1912). Voltra Review, .!!!_, 62, (1). Riley, Anne. (1980). Normalizing the deaf child. NAMTA… |
Sequence 76Footnotes 'Maria Montessori (1948) To Educate the Human Potential 5th Edition 1973, Kalakshetra Publica- tions Press,… |
Sequence 21le is clear from an analysis of human development that education is an indispensable function in che formation of man.… |
Sequence 222And these separate energies, finding nothing to satisfy them, give rise to innumerable combinations of wrong and deviated… |
Sequence 297Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Bibliography Dewey, J… |
Sequence 112AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 116 Savoye, Jo Wood & Welter, Marsha Breitman. (1974). In the classroom: Brayer painting, vegetable printing, fish… |
Sequence 2114 Cavaletti, Sofia. (1983). The religious potential of the child. New York: Paulist Press. 1. Communications.… |
Sequence 3225 C. Discipline/Freedom/Independence Chandra, Rangit Sekhar. (1960). Naughty Child. Around the Child, 2• 34-3 7, (4).… |
Sequence 3427 Jordan, Nancy. (1974). The malad'usted child in a Montessori settin Paper delivered at the Congress in Turin.… |
Sequence 36Montessori, Maria. (1984). Quotations from The Child in the Family. Communications,!!_, 14, (1). Montessori, Mario. (1962… |
Sequence 3831 Gupta, R. K. (1964). Consciousness and the child. Around the Child, .2_, 42-45, (4). Hillman, Rebecca. (1968, Fall… |
Sequence 4134 Usterkorn, Jon. ( 1977). MAMrA Quarterly, 1, On the significance of personality substitution. 1-15, (15). Peller,… |
Sequence 58Chattin-McNichols, John. (1982). Counterpoint to Campbell's computer article. The Constructive Triangle, 2, 7-8, (… |
Sequence 60Mack, Jane. (1976). Conference announcement. The Constructive Triangle, l, 5, o>. Montessori congress. (1951, May… |
Sequence 6861 CULTURAL STUDIES Devi, Dipti. (1963). Festivities observed in the Montessori Shishu Bhavan. Around the Child,~. 54-58… |
Sequence 7265 Bell, Mrs. Alexander Graham. (1914). What the Montessori method means to me. Freedom for the Child, !, 7-10, (3). Berger… |
Sequence 76Godefroy, J. C. L. (1925). Perspectives provided by the Montessori method. Call of Education, 3, 24-31, (8). Goodwin, Gary… |
Sequence 7871 Latifi, Azra. (1973). Around the Child, The discovery of the child and of an aim for life • ..!..?., 59-60, ( 2).… |
Sequence 8275 Rambusch, Nancy M. (1963). Montessori for American children. Paper presented at the 4th national American Montessori… |
Sequence 9184 Bashyal, R. P. (1967). Geography and the young child. Part II. Around the Child, _!.!, 20-23, (4). Fabricant, Ellen… |
Sequence 9487 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 10194 Neubert, Ann B. (1972). A way of learning: A Montessori manual. New York: American Montessori Society. Perry, Celma… |
Sequence 102Didactic materials. (1919, November 6). Times Educational Supplement, p. 557, (2). Dwyer, Muriel. (1973). Operation solid… |
Sequence 104Montessori, Mario. (1974). Playing with numbers. Connnunications, .!.ll, 9-10, (2). 97 Montessori, Mario. (1959).… |
Sequence 10699 After 1907 Books still in print are not available from NAMTA, Not every edition of Montessori' s books was… |
Sequence 107•oo (1924). Child character. The Call of Education,.!., 95-103, (9). (1929). The child in the church. London: Sands and… |
Sequence 109102 (1929). Education of mentally defective children. Lecture given in Barcelona, Spain. Reprinted (1977). Communications… |
Sequence 110(1923,25,30,37, 46,). Dr. Montessori on independence. Lecture excerpts reprinted in (1976). Communications, 3/4, 28-36, (… |
Sequence 111104 (1937). Hy method. Lecture at the 6th International Montessori Conference Copenhagen, 1937. Reprinted Around the Child… |
Sequence 112(1936). Principles and practices in education. Lecture delivered at the Institute of Medical Psychology, London, 1936.… |
Sequence 113106 (n.d.). The three levels of ascent. Reprinted (1962). Around the Child, 2, 1-3, (3). (1933). The two natures of the… |
Sequence 115108 Dr. Montessori's aim. (1913, December 9). New York Times, (1). Dr. Montessori with her new race plan. (1913,… |
Sequence 116109 Heller, H. H. (1914). Appreciation: Maria Montessori. Journal of Education, 79, 96, (l). Hoehm, Matthew (Ed.). (1948… |
Sequence 130124 Ethical basis. (1912, September 11). Times Educational Supplement, p.463, (2). Joosten, A.M. (1958). Observation.… |
Sequence 174168 F. Policy Kahn, David. (1975). Toward a handmade materials ownership policy. NAMTA Quarterly, !, 34-36, (3).… |
Sequence 177171 Dwyer, Muriel. (1970). Report form Tanzania. Communications, ill, 15-17, (3). Elisabeth, Sr. M. (1967). Around the… |
Sequence 187Tagore, Rabindranath. Montessori School. (1934). An address: On the opening of the Rajhat Reprinted (1961) Around the… |
Sequence 190184 Turner, Charles & Turner, Joy. Constructive Triangle, .!.Q, (1983). Science, you, and your child. 8-12, (5… |
Sequence 197191 The Providence meeting. (1912). Voltra Review, .!!!_, 62, (1). Riley, Anne. (1980). Normalizing the deaf child. NAMTA… |