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Displaying results 1 - 22 of 22
Sequence 6Farmer Mike and Grandmother Susan, and they took up our hopes and we theirs. Any farm, especially an organic one, is a place… |
Sequence 22mathematicians, presented a specialist's rendering of the history of math and science, designed to provide a framework… |
Sequence 2SCIENCE STUDY FOR THE ERDKINDER: PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS by David Ayer David Ayer's reexamination of the… |
Sequence 8abilities and contributions of staff members. FMES staff members David Ayer and Susan Andree recently had the opportunity to… |
Sequence 1"THE SCHOOL WHERE THE CHILDREN LIVE" by David Ayer and Elise Huneke Stone Da.vid Ayer and Elise Huneke… |
Sequence 6What we as Montessorians have not had as much opportunity to observe is how young adolescents are transformed when they are… |
Sequence 12Then,ofcourse, you think: butwhatabout theadolescents?Where are they going to get their vision of the whole? From the… |
Sequence 1STORY AND SELF-CONSTRUCTION by Elise Huneke-Stone Elise Hu11eke-Stone's definition of story and its f111Zctions arises… |
Sequence 272Program Assistant: Jenny Hoglund is pursuing the AMI Training of Trainers Programme at the elementary level. She earned the… |
Sequence 274Larry Schaefer, cofounder of Lake Country School (Minneapolis, MN), holds a doctorate in history from Fordham University (NY… |
Sequence 6"THE ScHOOL WHERE THE CHILDREN LIVE" ....................................... by David Ayer and Elise Huneke… |
Sequence 8Participants at the Third Adolescent Colloquium. Row 1, left to right: Clare Boyle, Leon Dantus, George Pritchard, Audrey… |
Sequence 14Farmer Mike and Grandmother Susan, and they took up our hopes and we theirs. Any farm, especially an organic one, is a place… |
Sequence 30mathematicians, presented a specialist's rendering of the history of math and science, designed to provide a framework… |
Sequence 103SCIENCE STUDY FOR THE ERDKINDER: PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS by David Ayer David Ayer's reexamination of the… |
Sequence 109abilities and contributions of staff members. FMES staff members David Ayer and Susan Andree recently had the opportunity to… |
Sequence 137"THE SCHOOL WHERE THE CHILDREN LIVE" by David Ayer and Elise Huneke Stone Da.vid Ayer and Elise Huneke… |
Sequence 142What we as Montessorians have not had as much opportunity to observe is how young adolescents are transformed when they are… |
Sequence 292Then,ofcourse, you think: butwhatabout theadolescents?Where are they going to get their vision of the whole? From the… |
Sequence 442THE THIRD ADOLESCENT COLLOQUIUM: SPEAKERS David Ayer, United States Guadalupe Borbolla, Mexico Clare Boyle, United States… |
Sequence 8STORY AND SELF-CONSTRUCTION by Elise Huneke-Stone Elise Hu11eke-Stone's definition of story and its f111Zctions arises… |
Sequence 185179 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds HMS faculty and staff. S/he works closely with the faculty and staff, students, parents… |