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Sequence 31Figure 14. David Kahn, John Wyatt, Kathleen Allen. Alexandria was a center for embalming. Bodies were brought in from all… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI AND THE BUILDING OF PEACE by Andre Roberfroid Andre Robe1froid explores the roots of peace-building through Montes… |
Sequence 1Grace and courteSy acroSS the PlaneS of develoPment by Pat Ludick Pat Ludick’s commentary on grace and courtesy is… |
Sequence 1globAl science And sociAl sysTeMs: The essenTiAls oF MonTessori educATion And peAce FrAMeworks From Childhood to Adolescence… |
Sequence 1how The MonTessori upper eleMenTAry And AdolescenT environMenT nATurAlly inTegrATes science, MATheMATics, Technology, And… |
Sequence 1MAriA MoNTessori’s CosMiC sTories AND CoNTeMPorAry sCieNCe Gerard Leonard is an AMI trainer. He currently trains elementary… |
Sequence 1Towards AMI Summer Training in America by David Kahn With the reorganization of AMI in America, and the expansion of its… |
Sequence 130North America than Margaret Stephenson. Her thirty years here have been singlemindedly given to building teacher education.… |
Sequence 247weekend duties, comm unity meet- ings, outdoor activities, etc.). Ap- plicants should enjoy working with young adolescents… |
Sequence 114THE WISDOM OF LOVE: A MONTESSORI JOURNEY ON THE SEA OF LIFE by David Kahn David Kahn's essay provides insight into how… |
Sequence 177Figure 14. David Kahn, John Wyatt, Kathleen Allen. Alexandria was a center for embalming. Bodies were brought in from all… |
Sequence 12MONTESSORI AND THE BUILDING OF PEACE by Andre Roberfroid Andre Robe1froid explores the roots of peace-building through Montes… |
Sequence 111 Kahn • Preface: Revelations Then and Now—Guided by Nature Preface: revelations then and now—Guided by nature by David… |
Sequence 1711 Ludick • Grace and Courtesy Across the Planes of Development Grace and courteSy acroSS the PlaneS of develoPment by Pat… |
Sequence 4337 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems globAl science And sociAl sysTeMs: The essenTiAls oF MonTessori educATion And… |
Sequence 8983 McNamara • Naturally Integrates Science, Mathematics, Technology how The MonTessori upper eleMenTAry And AdolescenT… |
Sequence 3532 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Gerard Leonard is an AMI trainer. He currently trains elementary teachers… |
Sequence 53AMI trained 3-6 and 6-9 1eacher.; wanted for Sep1. I 98 I. Compe1i1ive salaries. pleasant environ- ment. Montessori School of… |
Sequence 25Towards AMI Summer Training in America by David Kahn With the reorganization of AMI in America, and the expansion of its… |
Sequence 77NAMTA News: New Release on Discipline - Project Video David Kahn announced that he is resuming his video documentary work on… |
Sequence 60NAMTA NEWS NAMTA LAUNCHES NEW CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE FOR FALL 1984 As a service LO teachers and parents, the NAMT A Board… |