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Sequence 7Each of us has strengths and weaknesses, and "handicapping conditions" are simply a category of weaknesses.… |
Sequence 8five-year-olds are not ready for academic kindergartens and that developmental kindergartens should serve all children, not… |
Sequence 16Action. Ed. K.H. Pribram. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1969. Gesell, Arnold, Frances L. Ilg, Janet L. Rodell, et al.… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 96AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 97AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 430 in one or in two smaller steps. The choice will depend upon how big the involved change seems to be for the two children.… |
Sequence 2She feels that this format provides the greatest emotional stability for growing chil- dren. In fact, to Kramer, it is in the… |
Sequence 723 Gesell has a highly discerning and also a loving eye for the physical development of the child and some of its border… |
Sequence 710 Frost, Joe. L. (1968). Earl childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 78 Fynne,… |
Sequence 183Child, c. M. (1924). PhJsiological foundations of behavior. Henry Holt, Co., (346 . New York: Coghill, G. E. 0929). Anatomy… |
Sequence 85Each of us has strengths and weaknesses, and "handicapping conditions" are simply a category of weaknesses.… |
Sequence 86five-year-olds are not ready for academic kindergartens and that developmental kindergartens should serve all children, not… |
Sequence 26Action. Ed. K.H. Pribram. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1969. Gesell, Arnold, Frances L. Ilg, Janet L. Rodell, et al.… |
Sequence 74AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 3430 in one or in two smaller steps. The choice will depend upon how big the involved change seems to be for the two children.… |
Sequence 44She feels that this format provides the greatest emotional stability for growing chil- dren. In fact, to Kramer, it is in the… |
Sequence 2623 Gesell has a highly discerning and also a loving eye for the physical development of the child and some of its border… |
Sequence 1510 Frost, Joe. L. (1968). Earl childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 78 Fynne,… |
Sequence 191Child, c. M. (1924). PhJsiological foundations of behavior. Henry Holt, Co., (346 . New York: Coghill, G. E. 0929). Anatomy… |