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Sequence 1Technology in The MonTessori clAssrooM: beneFiTs, hAzArds And prepArATion For liFe by Greg MacDonald Greg MacDonald cites… |
Sequence 1becOMing a scienTific Observer by Greg MacDonald inTrOducTiOn Greg MacDonald leaves no stone unturned as he places the… |
Sequence 3In Remembrance 55 Robyn Milos was trained by Annette Haines and was later invited by Annette to help ad- ministrate the… |
Sequence 10599 MacDonald • Technology in the Montessori Classroom Technology in The MonTessori clAssrooM: beneFiTs, hAzArds And… |
Sequence 141133 MacDonald • Becoming a Scientific Observer becOMing a scienTific Observer by Greg MacDonald inTrOducTiOn Greg… |
Sequence 55In Remembrance 55 Robyn Milos was trained by Annette Haines and was later invited by Annette to help ad- ministrate the… |