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Sequence 115ALCUIN MONTESSORI SCHOOL, estab- lished 1961. Five primary-all extended day; five elementary. Montessorian as full-time… |
Sequence 142Educational/Executive Director. Well established, 26 yr old school in a pictur- esque Chicago suburb. Parent/Infant through… |
Sequence 205plicant must have AMI or AMS certification, minimum 3 years experience, strong interper- sonal, communications, and community… |
Sequence 238Teacher, Head wanted by Child Care Service in Chicago, IL to work w /2 teachers to instruct pre-school children in… |
Sequence 63You can live near the school in historic area or 15 min away on a beautiful beach. Easy access to fas· cinating low-country… |
Sequence 71Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Opportunity for one elementary and one primary directress for Fall, 1984. Established school… |
Sequence 7067 for 1he career minded Mon1essorian. Send resume and credcmials 10: Momessori ln1crna1ional . School. Inc. PO Box 2362… |
Sequence 60I I 1214 Varela St .. Key West. FL 33040. SEEKING full or pan time experienced and qual• ified direc1ress. Salary… |