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Displaying results 101 - 111 of 111
Sequence 103Leonard & Allen • Experiences In Nature 103 nineteenth century and continued into the early twentieth century. Its… |
Sequence 157Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 157 NAMTA–AMI LEGACY: WINDOWS OF CHANGE 1975-2020 David Kahn… |
Sequence 43Feature: Dialogue: Jean-Jacques Rousseau meets Maria Montessori by Gordon Maas Rousseau and Montessori have a great deal in… |
Sequence 4440 physical world, free to learn from his own experiences rather than having knowledge imposed from without by a teacher. I… |
Sequence 2114 Cavaletti, Sofia. (1983). The religious potential of the child. New York: Paulist Press. 1. Communications.… |
Sequence 54Long, John. (1982). NAMTA Quarterly, The elementary child, the curriculum and Montessori. 2, 10-16, (7). 47 Lucas, Ann F… |
Sequence 8275 Rambusch, Nancy M. (1963). Montessori for American children. Paper presented at the 4th national American Montessori… |
Sequence 87Haring, Norris. (1963). Reflections upon contemporary learning theory and application in a structured environment Paper… |
Sequence 10396 MATHEMATICS Calvert, Patty. (1972). Memory game variation. The Constructive Triangle, ~. 19, ( l). Joosten, A. M. (… |
Sequence 161155 Miller, Linda Bryant. (1983). Music in early childhood: naturalistic observation of young children's musical… |
Sequence 190184 Turner, Charles & Turner, Joy. Constructive Triangle, .!.Q, (1983). Science, you, and your child. 8-12, (5… |