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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 108
Sequence 2The whole issue of assimilation is a very critical one, it seems to me. As Kramer says, to call it Montessori is important -… |
Sequence 63. The student demonstrates automatic execution of the skill. E.g: Can you tell me how "0 Come Little Children&… |
Sequence 6Dreikurs, Rudolf, M.D. and Grey, Loren, Ph.D. (1968). A new approach t.o discipline: logical cansequences. Hawthorne Books.… |
Sequence 2effective, should penetrate the inner workings of the status quo. It must deal with philosophical roots of pedagogy, behaviors… |
Sequence 12References Brown, Rexford G. ( 1991). Schools of thought: How the politics of litera,cy shape thinking in the classroom. San… |
Sequence 4conuibuted to her being somewhat ostracized by the scientific and educational establishment and her being labeled as "… |
Sequence 4perspective, education becomes a process of assisting human develop- ment, working coward full and whole construction. le… |
Sequence 21Kahn, David. (1990). Implementing Montessori education in the public sector. Cleveland Heights, Ohio. North American… |
Sequence 6cation was perhaps best summarized by Anna Freud, daughter of the founder of modern psychiatry, when she wrote: In a Casadei… |
Sequence 8helping us to cut between the twin pitfalls of sentimentality and indifference in our relationship to children. Third, we can… |
Sequence 9the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 14REFERENCES Dewey, J. (1915). The school and society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Kramer, R. (1976). Maria… |
Sequence 6ofMontessori's. We have no direct evidence that Vygotsky read Montessori,butwedo know that a Montessori class was… |
Sequence 14DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con- ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
Sequence 13DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con- ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
Sequence 21ofMontessori's. We have no direct evidence that Vygotsky read Montessori,butwedo know that a Montessori class was… |
Sequence 3her powerful imagination, and her quick intuitive insights (that make up her unique feminine mind); but also ethnic "… |
Sequence 19[Interview with Donald Brownlee]. [Minneapolis] Star Tribune February 5, 2000. Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in… |
Sequence 18and Holland, where the interest was greatest, Montessori told her followers that she wasn't yet ready to discuss this… |
Sequence 28techniques of gardening. These courses eventually developed into multi-week excursions to the country, where fire-building,… |
Sequence 3really meant is often arduous work and could potentially make prac- tical implementation more complicated, but in our desire… |
Sequence 1EIGHT MONTESSORI INSIGHTS by Angeline Stoll Lillard Here follows a small excerpt from Angeline Li/lard's new book… |
Sequence 9LS. Clasen,A.W. Toga,J.L.Rapoport,&P.M. Thompson. "Dynamic Mapping of Human Cortical Development during… |
Sequence 29Kramer, Rita. Maria Montessori: A Biography. New York: Putnam's, 1976. Krishnaswamy, S. "George Sydney Arundale… |
Sequence 183The Journey Begins As early as 1898, Dr. Montessori was promoting educational reform as a means to end social inequities.… |
Sequence 3ACT I. THE DRAMA OF SAN LORENZO: LINKING SOCIAL ANO EDUCATIONAL REFORM-1907 Montessori con temporaries travel to Rome in… |
Sequence 16On October 28, 1931, Mahatma Gandhi told Maria Montessori in a speech at the Montessori training college in London: You have… |
Sequence 6Science and Sociely: The Woman Question 31 of the nineteenth century (Kramer believes that Montessori and Besant actually… |
Sequence 1136 Part One - Toward the Children ·s House: The Formation Years alcoholism. cnvironmcn1al conditions and race. The… |
Sequence 15132 Part Two - For a Science o.f the Formation of Man Luigi Sturzo. in exile there. It was Sturzo himself who recalled this… |
Sequence 17134 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man also published an article by Erwin Krauss, a follower of Alfred Adler,… |
Sequence 7Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" 199 Montessori course of 1910 and the Children's… |
Sequence 19155 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education Some child-development specialists maintained that pretend- ing… |
Sequence 32168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 Honomichl, Ryan D., and Zhe Chen. 2012. “The Role of Guidance in… |
Sequence 363 Begin • Montessori Early Childhood Education in the Public Sector One such promising option is Montessori education. Maria… |
Sequence 2585 Begin • Montessori Early Childhood Education in the Public Sector Developing and disseminating a general guide, •… |
Sequence 9111 Schaefer • History and Civility referenceS Barker, Sir Ernest. Traditions of Civility. 1948. Cambridge University Press… |
Sequence 2149 Sawyer • Group Flow and Group Genius Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1975). Beyond boredom and anxiety. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass… |
Sequence 4358 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 educating these children to the extent of their capacity, and the natural… |
Sequence 30384 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 Gross, M.D. “Origin of Stimulant Use for Treatment of At- tention… |
Sequence 1Interview: Rita Kramer: A Voice in a Continuing Dialogue Rita Kramer's biography inspired a personal visit to New York.… |
Sequence 2Kramer: I don't think it is fair to compare Montessori to the handful of minds - Freud, Darwin, Marx - whose thinking had… |
Sequence 3Certainly many features of the Casa could be used to help these children, but really cognitive stimulation is not the only… |
Sequence 4Kahn: You have said too that Montessori's mystical outlook was sim- plistic. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say… |
Sequence 1Book Review: Maria Montessori Author: Rita Kramer 4 JO pp. New York: G.P. Putnam 's Sons, 1976 review by David Kahn… |
Sequence 2analytic remarks are conclusions, not facts and the book in its mingling of fact and opinion risks serious misinterpretation… |
Sequence 3views the preservationist impulse as dogmatism. Kramer maintains that after a certain point Montessori's life work ceased… |
Sequence 1October, 1983 Dear Mr. Kahn Letter to the Editor In reviewing Rita Kramer's biography, MARIA MONTESSORI. some years ago… |
Sequence 2Dr. Montessori's meeting with Pope Pius XII and glides over Pope Benedict XV's great personal interest in Monressori… |
Sequence 1Book Review: Creativity & Immortality by John K. Long In Defense of the Family by Rita Kramer, Basic Books Inc. In… |
Sequence 2She feels that this format provides the greatest emotional stability for growing chil- dren. In fact, to Kramer, it is in the… |
Sequence 8Jerome Study Group. (1963). Montessori in the home. Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing House. Jerome Study Group. (… |
Sequence 1314 Cavaletti, Sofia. (1983). The religious potential of the child. New York: Paulist Press. 1. Communications.… |
Sequence 4546 King, Irving. (1912). The place of certain kindergarten principles in modern educational theories. Proceedin s of… |
Sequence 173175 Kinel, Lola. (1924). Montessori system as applied in the Mary Crane Nursery of Chicago. Visual Education, 1, 6-7, (2… |
Sequence 6The whole issue of assimilation is a very critical one, it seems to me. As Kramer says, to call it Montessori is important -… |
Sequence 523. The student demonstrates automatic execution of the skill. E.g: Can you tell me how "0 Come Little Children&… |
Sequence 103Dreikurs, Rudolf, M.D. and Grey, Loren, Ph.D. (1968). A new approach t.o discipline: logical cansequences. Hawthorne Books.… |
Sequence 8effective, should penetrate the inner workings of the status quo. It must deal with philosophical roots of pedagogy, behaviors… |
Sequence 18References Brown, Rexford G. ( 1991). Schools of thought: How the politics of litera,cy shape thinking in the classroom. San… |
Sequence 49conuibuted to her being somewhat ostracized by the scientific and educational establishment and her being labeled as "… |
Sequence 182perspective, education becomes a process of assisting human develop- ment, working coward full and whole construction. le… |
Sequence 199Kahn, David. (1990). Implementing Montessori education in the public sector. Cleveland Heights, Ohio. North American… |
Sequence 18cation was perhaps best summarized by Anna Freud, daughter of the founder of modern psychiatry, when she wrote: In a Casadei… |
Sequence 106helping us to cut between the twin pitfalls of sentimentality and indifference in our relationship to children. Third, we can… |
Sequence 107the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 112REFERENCES Dewey, J. (1915). The school and society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Kramer, R. (1976). Maria… |
Sequence 226ofMontessori's. We have no direct evidence that Vygotsky read Montessori,butwedo know that a Montessori class was… |
Sequence 234DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con- ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
Sequence 80her powerful imagination, and her quick intuitive insights (that make up her unique feminine mind); but also ethnic "… |
Sequence 96[Interview with Donald Brownlee]. [Minneapolis] Star Tribune February 5, 2000. Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in… |
Sequence 308and Holland, where the interest was greatest, Montessori told her followers that she wasn't yet ready to discuss this… |
Sequence 318techniques of gardening. These courses eventually developed into multi-week excursions to the country, where fire-building,… |
Sequence 326really meant is often arduous work and could potentially make prac- tical implementation more complicated, but in our desire… |
Sequence 103EIGHT MONTESSORI INSIGHTS by Angeline Stoll Lillard Here follows a small excerpt from Angeline Li/lard's new book… |
Sequence 111LS. Clasen,A.W. Toga,J.L.Rapoport,&P.M. Thompson. "Dynamic Mapping of Human Cortical Development during… |
Sequence 227Kramer, Rita. Maria Montessori: A Biography. New York: Putnam's, 1976. Krishnaswamy, S. "George Sydney Arundale… |
Sequence 185The Journey Begins As early as 1898, Dr. Montessori was promoting educational reform as a means to end social inequities.… |
Sequence 9ACT I. THE DRAMA OF SAN LORENZO: LINKING SOCIAL ANO EDUCATIONAL REFORM-1907 Montessori con temporaries travel to Rome in… |
Sequence 22On October 28, 1931, Mahatma Gandhi told Maria Montessori in a speech at the Montessori training college in London: You have… |
Sequence 45Science and Sociely: The Woman Question 31 of the nineteenth century (Kramer believes that Montessori and Besant actually… |
Sequence 5036 Part One - Toward the Children ·s House: The Formation Years alcoholism. cnvironmcn1al conditions and race. The… |
Sequence 146132 Part Two - For a Science o.f the Formation of Man Luigi Sturzo. in exile there. It was Sturzo himself who recalled this… |
Sequence 148134 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man also published an article by Erwin Krauss, a follower of Alfred Adler,… |
Sequence 213Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" 199 Montessori course of 1910 and the Children's… |
Sequence 161155 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education Some child-development specialists maintained that pretend- ing… |
Sequence 174168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 Honomichl, Ryan D., and Zhe Chen. 2012. “The Role of Guidance in… |
Sequence 6963 Begin • Montessori Early Childhood Education in the Public Sector One such promising option is Montessori education. Maria… |
Sequence 9185 Begin • Montessori Early Childhood Education in the Public Sector Developing and disseminating a general guide, •… |
Sequence 117111 Schaefer • History and Civility referenceS Barker, Sir Ernest. Traditions of Civility. 1948. Cambridge University Press… |
Sequence 5549 Sawyer • Group Flow and Group Genius Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1975). Beyond boredom and anxiety. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass… |
Sequence 364358 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 educating these children to the extent of their capacity, and the natural… |
Sequence 390384 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 Gross, M.D. “Origin of Stimulant Use for Treatment of At- tention… |
Sequence 41Interview: Rita Kramer: A Voice in a Continuing Dialogue Rita Kramer's biography inspired a personal visit to New York.… |
Sequence 42Kramer: I don't think it is fair to compare Montessori to the handful of minds - Freud, Darwin, Marx - whose thinking had… |
Sequence 43Certainly many features of the Casa could be used to help these children, but really cognitive stimulation is not the only… |
Sequence 44Kahn: You have said too that Montessori's mystical outlook was sim- plistic. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say… |
Sequence 45Book Review: Maria Montessori Author: Rita Kramer 4 JO pp. New York: G.P. Putnam 's Sons, 1976 review by David Kahn… |
Sequence 46analytic remarks are conclusions, not facts and the book in its mingling of fact and opinion risks serious misinterpretation… |
Sequence 47views the preservationist impulse as dogmatism. Kramer maintains that after a certain point Montessori's life work ceased… |