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Sequence 14on a collective basis. The farm's profits, if any, are, for the most part, sown back into the students' next group… |
Sequence 13goals must be the realization of the values of the human personality and development of mankind" (Education and Peace… |
Sequence 15weekly trips to Cuen tepee: The school is on the land. The work is daily. At Cuentepec, the students must strive for community… |
Sequence 18Anyone who works with adolescents knows that they have feel- ings, strong feelings, angry feelingsr loving feelings, but most… |
Sequence 22on a collective basis. The farm's profits, if any, are, for the most part, sown back into the students' next group… |
Sequence 401goals must be the realization of the values of the human personality and development of mankind" (Education and Peace… |
Sequence 403weekly trips to Cuen tepee: The school is on the land. The work is daily. At Cuentepec, the students must strive for community… |
Sequence 406Anyone who works with adolescents knows that they have feel- ings, strong feelings, angry feelingsr loving feelings, but most… |