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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 165
Sequence 7Dewey, John. (1956). The ch:ild and the curriculum: the sclwol and soci.ety. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press. Hunt,… |
Sequence 20Bruner, Jerome S. ( 1971 ). The relevance of education. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company. Chadwick, Bruce A; Bahr… |
Sequence 17servation and discovery, freedom and discipline. These are not things which are switched off and on for certain periods… |
Sequence 9References Albe rich, E. 0972). Natura e compiU di u.rza catechesi modenza. Torino-Leumann: LDC. Aquinas, St. T. (tr. 1941… |
Sequence 10Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 9Montessori. As a first step, every document kept at the AMI has been photocopied. This task has now been completed and the… |
Sequence 15With that vision, however, Maria Montessori joins the ranks of the great educational philosophers of all time and gains the… |
Sequence 18The true nature is like gold-waiting underground to be discovered and brought to light. After many episodes of normalization… |
Sequence 22Tire Earthworm. Haughley, Suffolk: The Soil Association, n.d. Fil kin, David. Stephen Hawking's Universe. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 20Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Trans. Claude A. Claremont. Oxford, England: Clio, 1994. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 16Light Expanding, Radiant Rushing, Giving, Receiving It burns in all of us, The Giver REFERENCES Cajete, Greg. Look to the… |
Sequence 25Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Family.… |
Sequence 99Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Family.… |
Sequence 32• an anxious concern for life • love for people and things • emotional wellness • warm, expressive, outgoing, and optimistic… |
Sequence 33Montessori, Maria. "Child's Instinct to Work [Lecture, London, 1939]." AMI Communications (1973, #4): 6… |
Sequence 18with the gifts of its mission of free- dom, its colorful history of different peoples, its art and literature that tell that… |
Sequence 6Q:To what degree can you take the philosophical realizations of Cosmic Education that take place in the second plane (the… |
Sequence 9Montessori, Maria. To Educate tile Humnn Potential. 1948. Adyar, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1986. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 33Montessori, Maria. What You Should Know about Your Child. 1948. Adyar, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1966. Montessori, Mario.… |
Sequence 23REFERENCES Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, & Kevin Rathunde. "The Devel- opment of the Person: An Experiential… |
Sequence 12herself how a moment's insight is captured in the seventeen syllables of haiku, translated from the Japanese. As with… |
Sequence 27clams, jellyfish, starfish, sponges, spiders, vertebrates, leeches, lawyers, and other species began to develop. (Adapted… |
Sequence 21children we love and work with. Thank you for your attention. It has been an honor to share these thoughts with you.… |
Sequence 11"This," she said, "is our hope-a hope in a new humanity that will come from this new education, an… |
Sequence 34matter. One might almost say they represent a kind of distillation of her thinking, observation, and reflection over many,… |
Sequence 35Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Trans. The Montessori Educational Research Center. New York: Schocken… |
Sequence 15other hand, why is it that a few prisms keep their original colors? • How should we set about representing (by means of loose… |
Sequence 11This clear separation would help communication both within the adult Montessori community and also with the world at large.… |
Sequence 7differences also by providing each elementary environment (be it six to nine or nine to twelve) with a full set of advanced… |
Sequence 16Foreword by Margaret Drummond. The Italian edition isComeconobbiMaria Montessori. Rome: Vita dell'infanzia, 1956.… |
Sequence 18environment. He is like the spider, whose web, whose field of action, is enormous in comparison to the animal itself (… |
Sequence 18Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. Adyar, Madras, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1949. Montessori, Maria. To… |
Sequence 84Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. Adyar, Madras, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1949. Montessori, Maria. To… |
Sequence 103environment. He is like the spider, whose web, whose field of action, is enormous in comparison to the animal itself (… |
Sequence 122Foreword by Margaret Drummond. The Italian edition isComeconobbiMaria Montessori. Rome: Vita dell'infanzia, 1956.… |
Sequence 143differences also by providing each elementary environment (be it six to nine or nine to twelve) with a full set of advanced… |
Sequence 151This clear separation would help communication both within the adult Montessori community and also with the world at large.… |
Sequence 163other hand, why is it that a few prisms keep their original colors? • How should we set about representing (by means of loose… |
Sequence 195Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Trans. The Montessori Educational Research Center. New York: Schocken… |
Sequence 196matter. One might almost say they represent a kind of distillation of her thinking, observation, and reflection over many,… |
Sequence 16REFERENCES Brazelton, T. Berry, & Stanley I. Greenspan. The Irreducible Needs of Children: What Every Child Must Have… |
Sequence 17treat your souls. So I will leave you with this: Be strong and moral young men and women, and as you face the world before… |
Sequence 18uniqueness into a richer idea of society and what we can achieve as humanity. REFERENCES The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary… |
Sequence 9the parish would have twelve Masses every weekend and they'd all be full." Why does this journey with the child… |
Sequence 16in the Milwaukee Public Schools. Rochester, NY: AMI/ USA, 2003. Edison, Charles. Edison Experiments You Can DO. New York:… |
Sequence 14Montessori, Maria. The Child, Society and the World: Unpub- lished Speeches and Writings. 1979. Trans. Caroline Juler &… |
Sequence 1The purpose of my discourse is to examine why and in what way Maria Montessori's vision of cosmic education, formed… |
Sequence 6able to choose freely which groups of students and teachers I wished to observe and listen to; I was able to join any group as… |
Sequence 21introduction to her thoughts on the theory and practice of cosmic education; another was the fact that this was the first… |
Sequence 29Kramer, Rita. Maria Montessori: A Biography. New York: Putnam's, 1976. Krishnaswamy, S. "George Sydney Arundale… |
Sequence 10REFERENCES Grazzini, Camillo. "The Four Planes of Development." The Child, the Family, the Future. AMI… |
Sequence 12Then,ofcourse, you think: butwhatabout theadolescents?Where are they going to get their vision of the whole? From the… |
Sequence 15interest in, what is extraordinary, what is magnificent; and they have a natural tendency to hero worship. All of this can be… |
Sequence 14REFERENCES Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. Dyer,… |
Sequence 14Conference Proceedings, July 19-24, 1994, Washington, DC]. Rochester, NY: AMI/USA, 1995. 117-130. Lakoff, George. "… |
Sequence 17to hold in our hearts and minds the big picture, and for the love of our children and the future, to keep our own fire of hope… |
Sequence 18Montessori, Maria. Education and Peace. 1949. Trans. Helen R. Lane. Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1972. Montessori, Maria. &… |
Sequence 24Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Trans. Claude A. Claremont. Thiruvanmiyur, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1959… |
Sequence 37extent and use it in our dealings with children. For the children are the inheritors and passers-on of culture. They are… |
Sequence 16refugee children with a path to a successful future, whether in their adopted country oflndia or in their old home of Tibet.… |
Sequence 166India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 16On October 28, 1931, Mahatma Gandhi told Maria Montessori in a speech at the Montessori training college in London: You have… |
Sequence 23Montessori, Maria. The Absorbe11t Mi11d. 1949. Trans. Claude A. Claremont. Adyar, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1984.… |
Sequence 21We 11111st think deeply fora/I 011rchildre11 a11dfor tomorrow's world. We must clarify the essence of man, study !tow to… |
Sequence 17picture) on the wall and a short list of words from the picture to be placed next to it. [t is wise to remember that creative… |
Sequence 31Figure 14. David Kahn, John Wyatt, Kathleen Allen. Alexandria was a center for embalming. Bodies were brought in from all… |
Sequence 8enhance a school, collected funds for a Montessori school in Haiti, and worked with an orphanage in the Dominican Republic.… |
Sequence 11Far.from Italy: First Europe and then India 165 A human being formed within the conception of a world of industrious beings… |
Sequence 13Farji-om Italy: First Europe and then India 167 heard a word that was not the right one, and then smiled to him. As one… |
Sequence 979 Vaz • Montessori Special Education and Nature’s Playground Nimal Vaz has been associated with AMI training courses since… |
Sequence 9115 Grazzini • Maria Montessori’s Cosmic Vision, Cosmic Plan, and Cosmic Education and sociological vision of the child and… |
Sequence 9143 Leonard • Deepening Cosmic Education brought to their newly settled areas of the world. Elementary children love this… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 13Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 21Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 6The Totality of Montessori page 132 notes 1 Montessori, Maria. (1949). ). “Lecture III, The Absorbent Mind.” The San Remo… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 145 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982.… |
Sequence 24AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 145 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982.… |
Sequence 37The Totality of Montessori page 132 notes 1 Montessori, Maria. (1949). ). “Lecture III, The Absorbent Mind.” The San Remo… |
Sequence 54AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 131Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 139Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 25AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 145 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982.… |
Sequence 38The Totality of Montessori page 132 notes 1 Montessori, Maria. (1949). ). “Lecture III, The Absorbent Mind.” The San Remo… |
Sequence 55AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 132Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 140Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 9102 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Yesterday I gave the example of the alphabet. It’s extraordinary to think… |
Sequence 15Farb, P. Word Play, Knopf, New York, 1974. Gibson, E. J. Principles of Perceptual Learninl{ and Development, Appleton, Century… |
Sequence 9899 After 1907 Books still in print are not available from NAMTA, Not every edition of Montessori' s books was… |
Sequence 25Dewey, John. (1956). The ch:ild and the curriculum: the sclwol and soci.ety. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press. Hunt,… |
Sequence 89Bruner, Jerome S. ( 1971 ). The relevance of education. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company. Chadwick, Bruce A; Bahr… |
Sequence 182servation and discovery, freedom and discipline. These are not things which are switched off and on for certain periods… |
Sequence 72References Albe rich, E. 0972). Natura e compiU di u.rza catechesi modenza. Torino-Leumann: LDC. Aquinas, St. T. (tr. 1941… |
Sequence 188Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 70It was also decided that the proceedings of the Colloquium would be transcribed, circulated to all the participants, and… |
Sequence 18Montessori. As a first step, every document kept at the AMI has been photocopied. This task has now been completed and the… |
Sequence 53With that vision, however, Maria Montessori joins the ranks of the great educational philosophers of all time and gains the… |