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Sequence 10academic study: "work on the land is an introduction both to nature and to civilization and gives a limitless field… |
Sequence 20CONCLUSION Fundamental to the Montessori approach to learning are the three respects-respect for self, respect for others (… |
Sequence 18of self-observation, of looking first to ourselves when we observe certain behaviors in the environment is essential to our… |
Sequence 24AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 41 configured in human, geological, and cosmic terms. Human consciousness strives to understand… |
Sequence 128AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 41 configured in human, geological, and cosmic terms. Human consciousness strives to understand… |
Sequence 129AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 41 configured in human, geological, and cosmic terms. Human consciousness strives to understand… |
Sequence 120academic study: "work on the land is an introduction both to nature and to civilization and gives a limitless field… |
Sequence 125CONCLUSION Fundamental to the Montessori approach to learning are the three respects-respect for self, respect for others (… |
Sequence 64of self-observation, of looking first to ourselves when we observe certain behaviors in the environment is essential to our… |
Sequence 42AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 41 configured in human, geological, and cosmic terms. Human consciousness strives to understand… |