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Sequence 3universe; for one must encounter the facts of nature so that the imagination can build its vision of the whole based in the… |
Sequence 15With that vision, however, Maria Montessori joins the ranks of the great educational philosophers of all time and gains the… |
Sequence 17not yet fully formed: he has not yet gathered about him the last folds of his robe of flesh and of love which is made up of… |
Sequence 19REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 194REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 33Montessori, Maria. "Child's Instinct to Work [Lecture, London, 1939]." AMI Communications (1973, #4): 6… |
Sequence 9Montessori, Maria. To Educate tile Humnn Potential. 1948. Adyar, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1986. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 11"This," she said, "is our hope-a hope in a new humanity that will come from this new education, an… |
Sequence 35Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Trans. The Montessori Educational Research Center. New York: Schocken… |
Sequence 195Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Trans. The Montessori Educational Research Center. New York: Schocken… |
Sequence 14Bruner, Jerome. "Man: A Course of Study." Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1966… |
Sequence 1The purpose of my discourse is to examine why and in what way Maria Montessori's vision of cosmic education, formed… |
Sequence 7House and a Montessori elementary school were from the beginning and for many decades an explicit part of the educational… |
Sequence 1671948 Training courses in Mmedabad, Adyar, and Poona; lectures in Bombay. Trip to Gwalior. India; supervises the opening of a… |
Sequence 12And this is all essential for reading. I know that reading has taken over in many schools as the most important subject-you… |
Sequence 12166 Part T11·0 - For a Science of the Formation of Man prison camp in Ahmendnagar. Mother and son would be rejoined again two… |
Sequence 8universe; for one must encounter the facts of nature so that the imagination can build its vision of the whole based in the… |
Sequence 53With that vision, however, Maria Montessori joins the ranks of the great educational philosophers of all time and gains the… |
Sequence 79not yet fully formed: he has not yet gathered about him the last folds of his robe of flesh and of love which is made up of… |
Sequence 53REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 62Montessori, Maria. "Child's Instinct to Work [Lecture, London, 1939]." AMI Communications (1973, #4): 6… |
Sequence 14Montessori, Maria. To Educate tile Humnn Potential. 1948. Adyar, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1986. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 64"This," she said, "is our hope-a hope in a new humanity that will come from this new education, an… |
Sequence 67Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Trans. The Montessori Educational Research Center. New York: Schocken… |
Sequence 158Bruner, Jerome. "Man: A Course of Study." Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1966… |
Sequence 199The purpose of my discourse is to examine why and in what way Maria Montessori's vision of cosmic education, formed… |
Sequence 205House and a Montessori elementary school were from the beginning and for many decades an explicit part of the educational… |
Sequence 1691948 Training courses in Mmedabad, Adyar, and Poona; lectures in Bombay. Trip to Gwalior. India; supervises the opening of a… |
Sequence 158And this is all essential for reading. I know that reading has taken over in many schools as the most important subject-you… |
Sequence 180166 Part T11·0 - For a Science of the Formation of Man prison camp in Ahmendnagar. Mother and son would be rejoined again two… |