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Displaying results 1 - 34 of 34
Sequence 61lis), Montessori on the Lake (Lake Forest, CA), Meadow Montessori School (Monroe, lvll), Mercy Montessori Center (Cincinnati… |
Sequence 8Marchetti, Maria Teresa. "La scuola per gli adolescenti- IJI." Vita del/'lnfanzia 2.3 (1953) 7+.… |
Sequence 1The Maria Montessori Farmschool/Erdkinder at Half Moon Bay (Press. release) Ursula Thrush's brave new world deserves… |
Sequence 107MASSACHUSETIS St. Joseph Montessori School, Massachusetts, currently accepting applications for Directress in a well-… |
Sequence 116MICHIGAN The Montessori Children's Center of Traverse City, Michigan is currently accepting applica- tions for PRIMARY… |
Sequence 143St. Joseph Montessori School, Massachu- setts, currently accepting applications for Directress in a well-equipped class-… |
Sequence 143available. Send resume to LaPepiniere Montessori Centers, 5601 W 70th St., Edina, MN 55435 or call collect 612- 920-5457.… |
Sequence 95West Suburban Montesoori School seeks an effective, loving AMI pre-primary directress for January/September, 1989. West… |
Sequence 164New Hampshire Well established Montessori school in Rye, H seeks experienced 3-6 teacher for year-round position beginning… |
Sequence 173children ages 3-6. Full day. Sal. open. Priv. owner. Founded in 1968. Jersey shore Joe. w/in commuting dist. of NYC. 2 hr.… |
Sequence 181a well equipped and established school located in Northwest New Jersey. The area offers many cultural and recre- ational… |
Sequence 69lis), Montessori on the Lake (Lake Forest, CA), Meadow Montessori School (Monroe, lvll), Mercy Montessori Center (Cincinnati… |
Sequence 213New York 31 year established growing school seeking a trained 0-3 teacher to start a new class. In addition, we are looking… |
Sequence 220New Mexico Small independent school in rural northern New Mexico needs an enthu- siastic Head of School starting 1995- 96.… |
Sequence 121care" one. Work with qualified and experienced Mon tessorians who prac- tice Montessori-all day. Applications are… |
Sequence 50New Jersey AMI school established in 1965 seek- ing a Primary Guide for a new class. Come join our dedicated supportive… |
Sequence 268sibilities/ advancement. Mail hand- written cover letter, resume with ref- erences to: Maria Montessori Ctr., 32450 W. 13… |
Sequence 260New Jersey, 28 Conrow Rd., Delran, NJ 08075, 609/461-2121. New York 33 year established growing schools seeking a trained 0… |
Sequence 217Assistant to Infancy sought to fill preg- nancy leave, starting immediately, with potential for continued team teaching… |
Sequence 285teacher to start a new class. In ad- dition, we are looking for an AMI certified primary and/ or elemen- tary teacher and a… |
Sequence 161This is a new school that expects expansion through age 12. We would like an enthusiastic, independent, self-motivated indi… |
Sequence 264Nienhuis and hand made materials. Attractive salary, fringe benefits. Located on Long Island, less than 1 hour from Times… |
Sequence 26236 year established growing schools seeking a trained 0-3 teacher to start a new class. In addition, we are looking for AMI… |
Sequence 149mary and/or elementary teacher and a qualified administrator/ teacher to take over our 12-14 pro- gram. Immediate VISA… |
Sequence 331Marchetti, Maria Teresa. "La scuola per gli adolescenti- IJI." Vita del/'lnfanzia 2.3 (1953) 7+.… |
Sequence 252tion; aquatic learning center with lap & wading pool in the Islandia, NY location. Each classroom is a beautiful… |
Sequence 234OUI school is entering its 24th year with a total enrollment of 185. We have 2 primary classes, 3 classes of 6-9 yearolds,… |
Sequence 62Personals: POSIT/ONS AVAILABLE Highly qualified AMI trained pre-school diroc- tr= needed for Start up situation in… |
Sequence 35The Maria Montessori Farmschool/Erdkinder at Half Moon Bay (Press. release) Ursula Thrush's brave new world deserves… |
Sequence 55AMI primary/elementary teacher for Fall 1980. Owner/Operator opponunuy. Number I U.S. small ci1y for quality of life.… |
Sequence 5854 Established Montessori Children's House in Fay• etteville, Arkansas, is seeking two certified primary teachers. One… |
Sequence 5248 AMI Primary Direc1or/ess for school in N.W. CT 1981-82. Near N.Y.C. & Boston. Comac1 Ani1a O. Torizzo. Montessori… |
Sequence 7066 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE NEW ENGLAND Scituate, Massachuse11s: Elementary teacher needed Sept. 1983 10 reach a… |
Sequence 49Personals: POSITIONS A VA I LA BLE AM I teacher needed September 1983 for well- established pre-primary clas,, of 30… |