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Displaying results 101 - 134 of 134
Sequence 10Rathunde, Kevin, & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. "Middle School Students' Motivation and Quality of… |
Sequence 15This article represents my progress thus far in understanding how flow theory and Montessori philosophy help to reveal the… |
Sequence 32school settings (e.g., extracurricular activities) that provide more hands-on, active, and exploratory activities (Rathunde… |
Sequence 230Louv, Richard. LnstChildi11 the Woods. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 2006. Maslow, Abraham. The Fnrther Renches of H11111n11… |
Sequence 357Connecticut Exciting Opporhmity in Hart- ford, CT AMI Elementary Trained Teach- ers Needed Teaching positions for the 2008… |
Sequence 358competitivesalarywith benefits. To explore the possibility of being part ofourdynamicanddedicated teach- ing team, please… |
Sequence 368MCS has a unique 6-acre campus environment atop Pantops Moun- tain that incorporates the indoor and ou tdoorspaces, and… |
Sequence 209soul of a child to stimulate imagination and interest: "What he learns must be interesting, must be fascinating. We… |
Sequence 219Experience." Applied Develop111e11ta/ Science 5 (2001): 158- 171. Rathunde, K. "Family Context and Talented… |
Sequence 255Virginia Montessori Community School ofCharlottesvillc is seeking Primary and Elementary trained guides for the 2008-2009… |
Sequence 167The final pivotal element is the Shop. During the first year of the garden, we sold our first harvest, lettuce and sage,… |
Sequence 2982700 27th Street, NW Washington, O.C. 20008 or <e.m i tchell@aidanschool .org> Florida Openings for Fall 2009… |
Sequence 313MCS has an enrollment of over 210students, from Toddler through Middle School and is entering its 28th year serving families… |
Sequence 252offered: competitive salary com- mensurate with education and ex- perience, health benefits, employer contribution to 401K… |
Sequence 255O1arter School. We are located in Morrisville, North Carolina near Raleigh and close to Durham and Chapel Hill, equidistant… |
Sequence 181Oak Middle School is an unattainable utopian ideal. Many people truly believe that learning can only take place in a classroom… |
Sequence 219What are these human inclinations and primitive relationships that are stirred by contact with nature? Why does functioning… |
Sequence 227a unique research direction by exploring the benefits of nature walks on adolescents' attention and mood at school. The… |
Sequence 247Second, the study is the first to use both short-term and long-term, measures to look at the benefits of nature experience;… |
Sequence 255Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Trans. The Montessori Educational Resource Center. Madras:… |
Sequence 259be an AMS or AMI Montessori trained teacher with classroom experience and possess a graduate degree. Computer skills and an… |
Sequence 271The Montessori Training Center of Minnesota Enjoy the rewards of helping children develop in harmony with life ... Upcoming… |
Sequence 343CLASSIFIEDS California Long-established Montessori school in San Francisco, is inviting applications from Montessori… |
Sequence 344Georgia Growing AMS & SACS Accredited Mon- tessori School in suburbs of Atlanta now seeking Middle School, Upper… |
Sequence 346a statement of educational and leadership philosophy, and a cover letter describing how headship fits with their career… |
Sequence 143Primary teachers wanted Join our team of amazing educators! Elementary and Middle School levels Please e-mail resume and… |
Sequence 250240 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 matched traditional schools, so these kids were all in similar-sized… |
Sequence 251241 Rathunde • Nature Experience and Education internally, we need those kinds of research and tools to help our parents… |
Sequence 177171 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education ———. (1948) 1976. From Childhood to Adolescence Including “Erdkinder… |
Sequence 293287 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds New York Lead Montessori Teacher in Tod- dler and 3-6 classroom, Les Enfants… |
Sequence 114108 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 1 • Winter 2016 A-I and Primary Guides Village Montessori School in beautiful Roswell,… |
Sequence 434428 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 their elementary classroom. We are looking for an AMI/AMS EI &… |
Sequence 9PropeUe<l by enthusiasm and necessity, the Board and myself raised $360,000 in three months and borrowed $200,000 more… |
Sequence 11Fine Arts In keeping with integrative patterns, the art and music being housed in the same environment with the academic… |