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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 190
Sequence 15tions differed depending upon whether or not she was present when the behavior ocurred. Turner (1978) designed a test for… |
Sequence 18McCormick, C. & Schnobich, J. (1969). IES Arrow-Dot performance in two Montessori preschools. Perceptual Motor Skills… |
Sequence 2easy for him to make the bed each morning. A small Pinocchio hat rack held his pajamas and his outdoor coat. A large piece of… |
Sequence 3touching remembrance of a visit to Hiroshima. She spoke of her own dedication to peace and education and managed to dig a hole… |
Sequence 10of President Wilson. Montessori lectured in cities in South America, and, of course, conducted many courses in India during… |
Sequence 1DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD by HiJdegard Solzbacher D,: Montessori, who was a scientist and physician and not a trained educa-… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 3viewed her educational principles from the very start as anything less than a contribution to the whole planet. Accordingly,… |
Sequence 2Maria Montessori died in 1952, but her work continues. Today there are close to five thousand private and approximately two… |
Sequence 2A TRIBUTE TO PATRICIA f AY HILSON It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Pat Hilson on July 25, 1996. Pat… |
Sequence 10AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT Evidence of the suitability of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children of diverse cultures… |
Sequence 21A). As I said, most drugs tend to fall into Category C, which basically relieves the drug company of responsibility. Still,… |
Sequence 4only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 134only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 2TIMELESS DEDICATION: MONTESSORI FROM THE DEPTH OF THE SOUL by J oen Bettmann Joen Bettman.n 's touching article… |
Sequence 4from the whole to the detail and also from the detail to the whole. This reciprocal process leads to a fuller understanding of… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI ERDKINDER: THE SOCIAL EVOLUTION OF THE LITTLE COMMUNITY by David Kahn This talk was delivered in Sydney,… |
Sequence 3After twenty-seven years of conferences, colloquia, grassroots organizing, program implementation, and international… |
Sequence 14or kept. Dr. Montessori put it in the context of limits and also in relation to serving the spiritual life:" A child… |
Sequence 16The piece of metal that holds the eraser is caUed the ferrule and is made of brass (a combination of zinc and copper). Zinc is… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI COMMUNITY VALUES: SOWING THE SEEDS OF MORALITY by Greg MacDonald Greg MacDonald comes to the point of his paper… |
Sequence 1THE MONTESSORI CENTURY CONCEPT: A CONTINUING PROCESS IN REALITY by David Kahn When we look back to the origins of the… |
Sequence 3Preface by David Kahn Throughout 2007, the year that marks a century since the first Casa dei Bambini, NAMTA has toured… |
Sequence 28Far Journey to the Southlands REPORT Montessori Methods of Education. M. M. SIMPSON. '-"""… |
Sequence 29In New Zealand, the first mention of the Montessori method is in the state schools in Wanganui as early as 191 I. Miss… |
Sequence 116Thai land, Pakistan Pouring milk, Thailand, 2006 116 Thailand: Developing the Child's Potential An early 20th-century… |
Sequence 157Montessori and the Australian Indigenous Communities Since the mid-1980s, Montessori learning programs have been developing… |
Sequence 164Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |
Sequence 180Welcome to the Children's Mural This portion of the exhibit was created from over 800 pieces of work submitted by 35… |
Sequence 185Far Journey to the Southlands (Australia and New Zealand) We are indebted to Debbie Senoff-Langford of Chicago for graciously… |
Sequence 188Notes and Sources, continued Montessori in England, Scotland, and Ireland Montessori teachers have been training in London… |
Sequence 5Dr. Maria Montessori's first work, Tlte Mo11/essori Method, was published in English in New York in 1912. It was an… |
Sequence 13trees, and all life that emanates from the natural world (Montessori, From C!tildhood to Adolescence 19). This inner… |
Sequence 13student we trained last year from Australia, Julie Retallick, went to help set up the school with Betty and they have been… |
Sequence 2• 18% Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota,… |
Sequence 14Books Celebrntio11 of the U11folding of the Cosmos. San Francisco: Harper, 1992. Darwin, Charles. The Formation of Vegetable… |
Sequence 2ply never heard about Maria Montessori and her little school in San Lorenzo? It's far more likely that we shouldn't… |
Sequence 1GRASSROOTS DEVELOPMENT: MONTESSORI EDUCATION AND PEACE by Lynne Lawrence and Megan Tyne Lynne Lawrence and Mega,1 Tyne… |
Sequence 9Ardyn's father, Bob Masterman, had a deep concern for the plight of Indigenous people in Australia, and he came to… |
Sequence 10board was established with people of influence and connections. Pro bona legal services were secured from two of Australia… |
Sequence 13REFERENCES By-laws of the Association Montessori lnternalio,rnle. Am- sterdam: AMI. AMI Strategic P/a,1 2008-2012. Amsterdam… |
Sequence 12School, Family and Society 129 would be respected and guaranteed in Italy. In the "Introduction" to the… |
Sequence 1p AYS TRIBUTE TO AUSTRALIA NAMTA by David Kahn On December of 2011, Megan Tyne, Executive Director of the Montessori… |
Sequence 10Moncesson National Curriculum Framework Montessori National Curriculum: Overview Introduction The Montesson National… |
Sequence 20Montessori National Curriculum Framework or repeat the activity until they have mastered 1L In this way children come to lhmk… |
Sequence 47- - Montessori National Curriculum for the First Plane of Development from Birth to Six Years ,-- I Activities include:… |
Sequence 68Molltessori Natiollal Curriculum for the First Plane of Developmem from Birth co Six Years Content Strand Knowledge, Skills… |
Sequence 235Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years The Montessori National… |
Sequence 286Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sncteen Years Timelines are used and… |
Sequence 4110 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 unceasing toil of these agents explain so many of the phenomena with… |
Sequence 1Building spoken language in the first plane by Joen Bettmann Through a strong Montessori orientation to the parameters of… |
Sequence 1The ObservaTiOn scienTisT by Molly O’Shaughnessy Once the reasons for habitual observation in the classroom have been es-… |
Sequence 6138 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 I also want to emphasize that this process of self-construction happens… |
Sequence 1The rOad hOMe by Molly O’Shaughnessy “Children have the potential to create a world we cannot imagine. This is our hope.” In… |
Sequence 5The Casa dei Bambini: Paths to Culture page 104 or history, dependent upon a higher order of mental ability? A friend of… |
Sequence 1Part Three The Positive Psychology of the Adolescent Becoming Adult Introduction by David Kahn 1. The Power of Montessori’s… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 131 conference, we come together from around the world to Sydney, Australia, to celebrate the… |
Sequence 38AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 131 conference, we come together from around the world to Sydney, Australia, to celebrate the… |
Sequence 48AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 49Part Three The Positive Psychology of the Adolescent Becoming Adult Introduction by David Kahn 1. The Power of Montessori’s… |
Sequence 65The Casa dei Bambini: Paths to Culture page 104 or history, dependent upon a higher order of mental ability? A friend of… |
Sequence 166AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 3 Guest Editor: David Kahn Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD, AMI director of training at the… |
Sequence 39AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 131 conference, we come together from around the world to Sydney, Australia, to celebrate the… |
Sequence 49AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 50Part Three The Positive Psychology of the Adolescent Becoming Adult Introduction by David Kahn 1. The Power of Montessori’s… |
Sequence 66The Casa dei Bambini: Paths to Culture page 104 or history, dependent upon a higher order of mental ability? A friend of… |
Sequence 167AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 3 Guest Editor: David Kahn Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD, AMI director of training at the… |
Sequence 3Certainly many features of the Casa could be used to help these children, but really cognitive stimulation is not the only… |
Sequence 2social integration of the handicapped and multiply handicapped child. They have systematically applied Montessori therapy to… |
Sequence 514 Cued speech is not that difficult to learn, especially for Montessori teachers. During the State hearing a member of the… |
Sequence 4older members of the class first choice on the major parts, don't you think? (Assenting comments from the group -… |
Sequence 2that the Directress is the active link between the child and the environment but that as the child increases, the role of the… |
Sequence 2the leadership of Barbara Gordon - quiet, persuasive, and able to bring a community of teachers and parents together in a… |
Sequence 48Revesz, Geza. (1925). Progressive education. The Call of Education, 2 71-73, (3). Rogers, George W. (1977). Maria… |
Sequence 160162 Schmid, Jeannine. (1978). the regular classroom. 638). (9). Montessori for eve one? Ada tin Montessori for ERIC… |
Sequence 177179 Perra, w. (1958). Appreciation of a mother-teacher. Around the Child, 2, 61-62, (2). Petersen, Robert C. _!2,… |
Sequence 1Education as Peace by John Bremer Dr. Bremer's article portrays, in superb literary style, the contradictions of the… |
Sequence 100MR. KAHN GOES TO AUSTRALIA Montessori Week-Sydney, Australia, November, 1986 "Based as it is on liberty, the… |
Sequence 101Their brand of Montessori is an act of educational reform. They are taking the Montessori ideal as a "whole system… |
Sequence 108OHIO Hudson Montessori School is currently accepting applications for a Director/ess at the 6-9 and 9-12 year old Elementary… |
Sequence 74tions differed depending upon whether or not she was present when the behavior ocurred. Turner (1978) designed a test for… |
Sequence 77McCormick, C. & Schnobich, J. (1969). IES Arrow-Dot performance in two Montessori preschools. Perceptual Motor Skills… |
Sequence 145School, 372 Hiden Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606. (804) 596-2555. WASHINGTON Cathedral Montessori School is located in… |
Sequence 133easy for him to make the bed each morning. A small Pinocchio hat rack held his pajamas and his outdoor coat. A large piece of… |
Sequence 134touching remembrance of a visit to Hiroshima. She spoke of her own dedication to peace and education and managed to dig a hole… |
Sequence 117SCHOOL FOR SALE Sonoma, California. One primary class- room school 3-6. Solid reputation in 9th yr. Complete class and play… |
Sequence 141TENNESSEE Administrator for established Montessori school with 3-6 and 6-9 dasses; adding 9-12, fall, 1990. New facility on… |
Sequence 155PENNSYLVANIA NEW HORIZONS MONTESSORI SCHOOL of Fbrt Washington, PA, founded 1970, invites appli- cations for primary and… |
Sequence 55of President Wilson. Montessori lectured in cities in South America, and, of course, conducted many courses in India during… |
Sequence 25DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD by HiJdegard Solzbacher D,: Montessori, who was a scientist and physician and not a trained educa-… |
Sequence 207OHIO Positions open for Montessori teachers. Elmmuary dirrr- rms (,~ I to 3) and primary rrnchn(ages 3 to 6). AMI or… |
Sequence 7EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 165Primary guide needed for 1993-94 school year. Small Catholic Montessori school in a fast growing area of the Northwest.… |
Sequence 222MILWAUKEE PUBLIC SCHOOLS-- Primary and Elementary Montessori Teachers Needed. Applications are being accepted for the 1995-… |
Sequence 9viewed her educational principles from the very start as anything less than a contribution to the whole planet. Accordingly,… |
Sequence 27Maria Montessori died in 1952, but her work continues. Today there are close to five thousand private and approximately two… |