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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 142
Sequence 6Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 18McCormick, C. & Schnobich, J. (1969). IES Arrow-Dot performance in two Montessori preschools. Perceptual Motor Skills… |
Sequence 3Prusso, K. (1977). Preki1ukrgarl.en Head St.a;rt evaluation year end report 1976-1977, Repqrt No. 7808. Philadelphia:… |
Sequence 3Gitter, Lena L. (1968). Interpretation and Summary of Montessori Modulaties. ~ American Mon- tea,ori Society Bulletin, 1(4), 1… |
Sequence 1ALBER!' M. JOOSTEN - A BIOGRAPHY Albert M. Joosten was born in the Nether lands on November 21, 1914. His formal… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 60• At the same time, we need Lo decide as a group of Montessori schools \, hat our target is in the clevcloprnenl of adolescent… |
Sequence 10Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. Karnes, M. et al. (1978). Immediate,… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI JOURNEY OF SELF by Eduardo J. Cuevas Eduardo Cuevas' luncheon talk explores the experimental nature of… |
Sequence 10AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT Evidence of the suitability of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children of diverse cultures… |
Sequence 4A second way nature education is problematized is through the sentiment that we should avoid nature at all costs. Many… |
Sequence 3life, and I have had several opportunities throughout these years to work in this area. In one occasion, during the time that… |
Sequence 16The piece of metal that holds the eraser is caUed the ferrule and is made of brass (a combination of zinc and copper). Zinc is… |
Sequence 164Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |
Sequence 178A Montessori Journey 1907 to 2007 Patrons Anonymous Donation through Si Helena Monressori School Association Montessori… |
Sequence 179Photo Crediu, continued Elise Broun Barnett Collection Soro Brody Helen Brophy Kannekar Butt Coring for Young Refugees… |
Sequence 5Dr. Maria Montessori's first work, Tlte Mo11/essori Method, was published in English in New York in 1912. It was an… |
Sequence 2A MONTESSORI APPROACH TO AUTISM by K. Michelle Lane Miclte//e Lane founded n school tltat serves c!tildren so severely… |
Sequence 2• 18% Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota,… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI' s ROLE IN TWENTY-FIRST- CENTURY EDUCATIONAL REFORM by Krishna Kumar Mo11tessori adolescent education finds… |
Sequence 12School, Family and Society 129 would be respected and guaranteed in Italy. In the "Introduction" to the… |
Sequence 2192 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 fear of taking children outside—a concern for the wildness of nature (… |
Sequence 8198 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 activism, social justice, the developing world, and other topics not… |
Sequence 1Technology in The MonTessori clAssrooM: beneFiTs, hAzArds And prepArATion For liFe by Greg MacDonald Greg MacDonald cites… |
Sequence 1The ObservaTiOn scienTisT by Molly O’Shaughnessy Once the reasons for habitual observation in the classroom have been es-… |
Sequence 1becOMing a scienTific Observer by Greg MacDonald inTrOducTiOn Greg MacDonald leaves no stone unturned as he places the… |
Sequence 1The rOad hOMe by Molly O’Shaughnessy “Children have the potential to create a world we cannot imagine. This is our hope.” In… |
Sequence 220 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 1 • Winter 2020 LEARNING, LISTENING AND LISTENING WELL by Tessa Lochhead The Pirurvik… |
Sequence 3observations taught her that children learn best with quality hands-on materials that help them with real life skills, instead… |
Sequence 1Montessori and the Special Child by Jon Osterkorn Little did Dr. Montessori realize as she passed through the gates of the… |
Sequence 13. Literature and creative writing should be included in Montessori training, perhaps better integrated with grammar. 4 . A… |
Sequence 911-a Lyon, Peter. (1963). Success stor : the life and times of S. s. McClure (pp. 350-52). New York: Charles Scribner… |
Sequence 3536 Berliner, Michael S. (1975). Montessori and social development. The Constructive Triangle, l, 54-64, (10).… |
Sequence 132134 Bell, Alexander Graham. (1914). Montessori Education Association meeting. Beinn Bhreagh recorder, .!J., 229, (1). Bell… |
Sequence 143145 Maraschiello, Richard. (1981). Evaluation of the rekinder arten head start program 1979-1980. (Report No, 8132.… |
Sequence 168170 Deitchmann, Robert & Newmanm Isadore. (1976). The use of parent input in program evaluation: one parameter in… |
Sequence 3Missionaries of Charity, the sisters of Mother Teresa. At every step of their development I was wishing I'd taken the… |
Sequence 3Bambino, was formed to develop materials and to continue the study of the develop- ment of the religious potential in children… |
Sequence 10Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 77McCormick, C. & Schnobich, J. (1969). IES Arrow-Dot performance in two Montessori preschools. Perceptual Motor Skills… |
Sequence 138CHICAGO, ILLINOIS April 15-17, 1988 MAC-NAMTA CONFERENCE PRINCIPLES OF STAFF DYNAMICS This conference will be particularly… |
Sequence 65Prusso, K. (1977). Preki1ukrgarl.en Head St.a;rt evaluation year end report 1976-1977, Repqrt No. 7808. Philadelphia:… |
Sequence 84Gitter, Lena L. (1968). Interpretation and Summary of Montessori Modulaties. ~ American Mon- tea,ori Society Bulletin, 1(4), 1… |
Sequence 118Pittsburgh on 37 acres, country setting, ro min- utes from the cultural ol the city. Classes: two toddler; three… |
Sequence 119organi,.e and teach in central London. Applica- tions to: Mrs. Hood, 7 Park Mansions, London, SWll4HG. Phone(071)622-76li8.… |
Sequence 141CANADA SASKATOON MONTESSORI SCHOOL needs AMI directress(3to 6)forSept. '90. AMI adminis- trator; est. 1979, 2 classroom… |
Sequence 8ALBER!' M. JOOSTEN - A BIOGRAPHY Albert M. Joosten was born in the Nether lands on November 21, 1914. His formal… |
Sequence 117AM I trained elementary and primary teachers wanted for a growing school with strong par- ent support located in beautiful… |
Sequence 7EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 194Sharon Dubble Kendall, Montessori-trained at both preschool and elementary levels, currently administers Northwoods Montessori… |
Sequence 197submit resume and references to: Ronald D. Cameron, Kingston Montessori School, P .0. Box 1416, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L… |
Sequence 165Primary guide needed for 1993-94 school year. Small Catholic Montessori school in a fast growing area of the Northwest.… |
Sequence 184Canada PHOENIX MONTESSORI SCHOOL is expanding. Forthe 1994-95 school year we are offering three positions; pri- mary, lower… |
Sequence 68• At the same time, we need Lo decide as a group of Montessori schools \, hat our target is in the clevcloprnenl of adolescent… |
Sequence 120Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. Karnes, M. et al. (1978). Immediate,… |
Sequence 223Cambodia 'The Consortium" (of World Education, Save the Children, and World Learning) is seeking candidates… |
Sequence 224Montessori school and part of the New Zealand state system. Applicants must have Montessori training, AMS/ AMI preferred.… |
Sequence 541971. lnterim (Jan.-Sept. '96) or longer. Education or related degree required 703 / 43 7-8285. Washington… |
Sequence 55established in 1974 and has 4 Casa classes (with Extended Day) and 1 Toddler class. We are a parent-run school, with an AMI… |
Sequence 61Send check or money order payable in U.S. currency to: NAMTA, 111424 Bellflower Rd., N.E., Cleveland, Ohio 44106. Orders will… |
Sequence 255Specific approaches to independence and care of the classroom will be emphasized in a comprehensive view of preschool class… |
Sequence 257the Latin presented in the Keepers of Alexandria grammar component. In the end, however, the goal of the course is to instill… |
Sequence 264(6-12) teacher for the 97 /98 school year. Located in the Portland, OR metropolitan area, the school has easy access to the… |
Sequence 265Phoenix Montessori School is accept- ing applications for Primary, Elemen- tary and Erdkinder Guides. Our school has… |
Sequence 103A MONTESSORI JOURNEY OF SELF by Eduardo J. Cuevas Eduardo Cuevas' luncheon talk explores the experimental nature of… |
Sequence 205This workshop-style offering will focus on the principle of the child's inner discipline as opposed to adult "… |
Sequence 72Camillo Grazzini is AMI Elementary Director of Training at Fondazione "Centro Internazionale Studi Montessoriani,… |
Sequence 351organization of story, logic, and truth, which comes to the inevitable realization that to serve is to balance one's… |
Sequence 299ORDER TODAY! Send to: Name: ------------------------ Schoo I: ____________________ _ ShippingAddresss: (No P.O. Boxes)… |
Sequence 41AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT Evidence of the suitability of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children of diverse cultures… |
Sequence 210VILLE-MARIE MONTESSORI SCHOOL in Montreal, Canada is seeking creative and dedicated AMI primary and elementary teachers for… |
Sequence 274being accepted for the 2000-2001 school year for all levels, primary, lower elementary, upper elementary and adolescent (3… |
Sequence 275400 students in a mid-size commu- nity, just 2 hours from Toronto, Canada. Salaries are competitive with private schools in… |
Sequence 270Montessori curriculum and peda- gogy. The district strongly supports Montessori education. All class- rooms have a full… |
Sequence 271ative and dedicated AMI primary and elementary teachers for the 2000- 2001 school year. Ville-Marie Montessori School,… |
Sequence 154... Come To The Beautiful. Pacific Northwest For MONTESSORI TEACHER TRAINING AMI Primary Certification MACTE Accredited… |
Sequence 243a junior elementary classroom edu- cator for September 2001. This new class will be composed of level 1 children only and be… |
Sequence 213as a willingness to work towards WI state certification. Sponsorship op- portunities are also available for el- ementary… |
Sequence 262Email: naturec@naturesclass Australia Montessori Teacher Wanted- The Beehive Montessori School 9-12 position… |
Sequence 213A second way nature education is problematized is through the sentiment that we should avoid nature at all costs. Many… |
Sequence 298P.O. Box315 Bellingham, WA 98227 Phone: 360-714-1762 or cedar_ Work in a two-classroom school, ona wooded… |
Sequence 299Canada The Montessori House of Chil- dren, est. 1968, is now accepting applications of trained Montessori teachers for… |
Sequence 232take 9-12 certification, experience in a Montessori classroom. Salary com- petitive, medical benefits. Send resume and… |
Sequence 2238 Authentic, comp/et, Montessori at The Mont eginning June 200~ istants to Infancy: Ages 0-3 irector: Judith Orion… |
Sequence 182MONTESSORI WITHOUT BORDERS by Silvia C. Dubovoy Based on her contact with the United Nations and Educateurs sans Frontieres… |
Sequence 185life, and I have had several opportunities throughout these years to work in this area. In one occasion, during the time that… |
Sequence 138The piece of metal that holds the eraser is caUed the ferrule and is made of brass (a combination of zinc and copper). Zinc is… |
Sequence 257Interested candidates are encour- aged to contact the schools. Paula Holman 414-294-1307 Femwood Montessori School 3239 S… |
Sequence 271ta1y program forSY 2007-2008. AMS/ AMJ certification preferred. Estab- lished in 1967, we offer supportive and experienced… |
Sequence 166Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |
Sequence 180A Montessori Journey 1907 to 2007 Patrons Anonymous Donation through Si Helena Monressori School Association Montessori… |
Sequence 181Photo Crediu, continued Elise Broun Barnett Collection Soro Brody Helen Brophy Kannekar Butt Coring for Young Refugees… |
Sequence 11Dr. Maria Montessori's first work, Tlte Mo11/essori Method, was published in English in New York in 1912. It was an… |
Sequence 350NAMTA NEWS NAMTA's CoNTR1euno To THE CENTENARY YEAR With its touring exhibit, A Montessori Journey: 1907-2007, NAMTA… |
Sequence 248hard-worker, to work with a special needs popula- tion. The family is willing to support other underpriviledged… |
Sequence 71A MONTESSORI APPROACH TO AUTISM by K. Michelle Lane Miclte//e Lane founded n school tltat serves c!tildren so severely… |
Sequence 188• 18% Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota,… |
Sequence 47MONTESSORI' s ROLE IN TWENTY-FIRST- CENTURY EDUCATIONAL REFORM by Krishna Kumar Mo11tessori adolescent education finds… |
Sequence 162Come to the beautiful Pacific Northwest for Montessori Teacher Training • Primary Courses, every Academic Year •Assistants… |
Sequence 264an AMI trained Head of School, who works closely with our long term, committed and motivated AMI trained faculty, staff and… |