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Sequence 4his self-made environment in a condition that may permit human life to evolve toward a dignified existence for everyone. This… |
Sequence 2WORK by Annette M. Haines Dr. Haines touches on the work of adaptation of the infant, the work of the "psycho-… |
Sequence 2NAMTA's MIDDLE SCHOOL RESEARCH HITS THE MARK by Annette M. Haines I have finally had the privilege of reading Kevin… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI: A MODERN APPROACH TO INTELLIGENCE by Annette M. Haines Annette Haines' comprehensive review of Montessori… |
Sequence 9in the basement of the independent school that the older two of my then four daughters attended. None of the materials from… |
Sequence 65his self-made environment in a condition that may permit human life to evolve toward a dignified existence for everyone. This… |
Sequence 115riculum includes CnrecltesisofrheGood Shep- herd. SETON ACADEMY MONTESSORI. PO Box 5192, River Forest, IL 60305. MARYLAND… |
Sequence 77demic year. Well-established, 32 year old school in a picturesque Chicago suburb, ,;,.·ith cnrollment of 290 Com- pctnive… |
Sequence 132erative, non-profit Montessori school located in the beautiful San Fran- cisco Bay Area. For fourteen years we have run a… |
Sequence 265For Sale Montessori Kids CD ... songs writ- ten for Montessorians by Matt Levin, (Montessori teacher)and performed by… |
Sequence 55WORK by Annette M. Haines Dr. Haines touches on the work of adaptation of the infant, the work of the "psycho-… |
Sequence 59NAMTA's MIDDLE SCHOOL RESEARCH HITS THE MARK by Annette M. Haines I have finally had the privilege of reading Kevin… |
Sequence 11MONTESSORI: A MODERN APPROACH TO INTELLIGENCE by Annette M. Haines Annette Haines' comprehensive review of Montessori… |
Sequence 139in the basement of the independent school that the older two of my then four daughters attended. None of the materials from… |