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Sequence 1DRAMA, READING AND MONTESSORI volume nine number one Theme: Drama, Reading, Dialogue and Montessori Drama and Reading by… |
Sequence 3( I I MONTESSORI WITH A MISSION Urban Education, Research, and Moral Development PART I: MONTESSORI FOR THE URBAN CHILD… |
Sequence 126traditional educational training? Does the teacher fully absorb the phi- losophy so that classroom practices are changed? What… |
Sequence 132intended to broaden the perspective of the participants, thereby lending greater sensitivity to the variety of peoples served… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI CONGRESS IN AMSTERDAM F.ditorial Report Help AMI Shape the Montessori Future by David Kahn… |
Sequence 3BIRTH/INF ANCY/KODAIKANAL AND MONTESSORI PART I The Child From Birth to Three Montessori Birth Assistance by G. Honegger… |
Sequence 3EXTENDING THE MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY Editorial Report Some Characteristics of a Montessori Erdkinder Compromise by Phil Gang… |
Sequence 3UNDER "THE ADMINISTRATIVE UMBRELLA volume six number one Expansion Low Cost Expansion by Ron Ackerman… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI IN DIFFERENT SETTINGS volume six number two Editorial: Opportunity for Renewal: Montessori in the Inner City by… |
Sequence 3THE PARENT, CHILDCARE, AND MONTESSORI volume seven number 1wo Editorial: Parents Make the Best Teachers by David Kahn… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY AND BEYOND volume eight number two Editorial Theme: Montessori Secondary School - Developing the… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI: PEOPLE AND ISSUES volume eight number three Editorial Theme: Marva Collins, American Public Education, and… |
Sequence 3DRAMA, READING AND MONTESSORI volume nine number one Theme: Drama, Reading, Dialogue and Montessori Drama and Reading by… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY: IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE volume nine number two Montessori Elementary: In Search of Excellence by… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI: PEACE AND EDUCATION Commemorative Edition Peace and Education Conference Atlanta, Georgia 1985 volume 11… |